[AccessD] User cannot save table column widths in ADP ( Crossposted)

jeffrey.demulling at usbank.com jeffrey.demulling at usbank.com
Fri Feb 11 13:09:00 CST 2005

I think John is right in it is the db gods:)  but yes Susan is right and I
would not give him the design rights on a production database, that is a
very, very, very bad thing.  Where I work only and only the db admin has
rights to change the design on a production database, even I as the
developer cannot do this.  I can only do changes on the test db.  To get
updates in the design I must write the appropriate SQL scripts, have them
tested (fully) on the IT server db, then on the UAT server db and then only
if both rounds of testing are passed does the design get updated on the
production db using the scripts provided.  A little bit of a hassle, but it
keeps users and me from doing something that we might regret latter on.  Do
NOT give the user design ability on the db.

             "Susan Harkins"                                               
             <ssharkins at bellso                                             
             uth.net>                                                   To 
             Sent by:                  "'Access Developers discussion and  
             accessd-bounces at d         problem solving'"                   
             atabaseadvisors.c         <accessd at databaseadvisors.com>      
             om                                                         cc 
             02/11/2005 12:50          RE: [AccessD] User cannot save      
             PM                        table column widths in ADP (        
             Please respond to                                             
              discussion and                                               
             problem solving"                                              
             <accessd at database                                             

He has permission to alter data, not the design.

Susan H.

This user has Select, Insert, Update and Delete rights to this table. He
views the table through Access. He adjusts the column widths to his liking
and can change the data in the table, but when he closes the table, he gets
a message stating that he cant change the column layout because he doesnt
have rights. Does anyone know what might be causing this?

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