[AccessD] OT: What are you lot doing now and then?

jeffrey.demulling at usbank.com jeffrey.demulling at usbank.com
Fri Feb 18 08:39:10 CST 2005

1) I use Access to start projects and then when the time comes upgrade the
backend to SQL server and rewrite the interface to better work with the
server and meet internal standards when working with the servers (ie ADO
versus DOA).  The Access part is to get the people "hooked" on a database
instead of using multiple Excel spreadsheets, word forms that no one has
the same version of....

2) I am able to work more with the SQL servers and I do like it (more
processing power and control processes)

3) As you can see from my sig at the bottom I work for a large bank.  I
work in the project management group for our business line, which is
managed by the Marketing manager (do not ask, it was politics, and after
two years I am still trying to figure that one out), who reports directly
to the president of the business line.  So I work with everyone from file
clerks to very Senior VPs.

4) No

Jeffrey F. Demulling
Project Manager
U.S. Bank Corporate Trust Services
60 Livingston Avenue
St. Paul, MN  55107-2292
Ph: 651-495-3925
Fax: 651-495-8103
email: jeffrey.demulling at usbank.com

             "Steve Erbach"                                                
             <erbachs at gmail.co                                             
             m>                                                         To 
             Sent by:                  "Access Developers discussion and   
             accessd-bounces at d         problem solving"                    
             atabaseadvisors.c         <accessd at databaseadvisors.com>      
             om                                                         cc 
             02/18/2005 06:04          [AccessD] OT: What are you lot      
             AM                        doing now and then?                 
             Please respond to                                             
              discussion and                                               
             problem solving"                                              
             <accessd at database                                             

Dear Group,

Could you indulge me in a little survey?

1) What's your main line of work these days? Access development, SQL
Server administration/development, VB, ASP/ASP.NET, PHP...?

2) How does your work today differ from what you were doing a few
years ago? Is it only that you're using newer versions of the same
tools, or are you doing entirely different development work?

3) Are you independent or do you work for a company? If you work for a
company, what's the size of the company and where do you fit in?

4) Do you have any Microsoft Certifications? If so, do you keep
current with them, and/or have they made any difference in your
current position?

Thank you very much. I'm approaching a career crossroads with the
decision to stay in business as an independent developer or not. I
have picked up a fair amount of .NET knowledge (the hard way -- is
there any other?) but I have no Microsoft certifications.


Steve Erbach
Scientific Marketing
Neenah, WI
Security Page: www.swerbach.com/security
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