Steve Erbach
erbachs at
Mon Feb 21 14:46:03 CST 2005
Randy, Well, based on my survey, you will be virtually unique out in the market when you submit your resumé. Good luck! Steve Erbach On Mon, 21 Feb 2005 12:37:06 -0500, randall.anthony at <randall.anthony at> wrote: > Steve, > > Drew wrote: > "They wanted a VB/SQL guy, and even though I had a lot of Access experience, I had very little SQL experience. However, what killed my interview, was my 'iffy' SQL abilities. Not SQL > Server, but the actual query language. I was asked a lot about joins, etc,and even though I understood the questions and answers, I had a difficult time just 'rattling' things off. It was because I had become very dependant on Access' query builder." > > This was an experience I encountered also. I had one interview where they liked the Access and SQL, but "can you do .Net?". Nope. Another interview was just as Drew described. This solidified my decision to seek certs. Whereas I knew how to spell .Net, I now (at least), know what a namespace is. > > My curriculum included programming with VS, VB, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, XML (which also included sections on upgrading from ASP, etc), SQL administration and programming, and 2003 server administration. > > Randy. > >