Steve Erbach
erbachs at
Thu Feb 24 07:39:22 CST 2005
Charlotte, All right, then. I thought I'd mentioned that I was looking for a grid on my reports. I've actually come up with a way to do it without having to write any code. I set the background color of the report to gray and then I make all the text boxes with a white background and size and position them so that they're almost touching each other. Voilà! A grid. Steve Erbach On Wed, 23 Feb 2005 17:13:45 -0800, Charlotte Foust <cfoust at> wrote: > Datagrids are interactive and intended for use in forms, and I didn't > realize you were asking about reports. Why would you want to use a > datagrid on a report when the report generator already prints in bands? > If you're just looking for lines, I personally find them too busy for my > taste. > > Charlotte Foust