[AccessD] Invalid chars in filenames (was: tabs in memo fields)

Gustav Brock Gustav at cactus.dk
Wed Jan 5 11:29:01 CST 2005

Hi Jim

We have a function that just replaces any invalid char with a valid

Function TrimFileName( _
  ByVal strFileName As String) _
  As String

' Replaces characters in strFileName that are
' not allowed by Windows as a file name.
' Truncates length of strFileName to clngFileNameLen.
' 2000-12-07. Gustav Brock, Cactus Data ApS, Copenhagen
' 2002-05-22. Replaced string concatenating with Mid().

  ' No special error handling.
  On Error Resume Next

  ' String containing all not allowed characters.
  Const cstrInValidChars  As String = "\/:*?""<>|"
  ' Replace character for not allowed characters.
  Const cstrReplaceChar   As String * 1 = "-"
  ' Maximum length of a file name.
  Const clngFileNameLen  As Long = 255
  Dim lngLen    As Long
  Dim lngPos    As Long
  Dim strChar   As String
  Dim strTrim   As String
  ' Strip leading and trailing spaces.
  strTrim = Left(Trim(strFileName), clngFileNameLen)
  lngLen = Len(strTrim)
  For lngPos = 1 To lngLen Step 1
    strChar = Mid(strTrim, lngPos, 1)
    If InStr(cstrInValidChars, strChar) > 0 Then
      Mid(strTrim, lngPos) = cstrReplaceChar
    End If
  TrimFileName = strTrim

End Function


>>> Jim.Hale at FleetPride.com 05-01-2005 17:18:16 >>>
Anybody know of a similar function that could be used to validate file
names? I let users add short descriptions to file names before they
saved and I badly need a function to validate their input.

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