[AccessD] bound to be my problem

Francisco Tapia fhtapia at gmail.com
Mon Jan 24 15:57:58 CST 2005

I have been beating at this all morning.. while I can get the
recordset bookmark to move correctly in the following "bound" subform,
I can't seem to get the record selected so that the end user can use

any ideas?

CODE snip:::

Dim rsInProcess As adodb.Recordset
Set rsInProcess =
rsInProcess.Find "RRID = " & Me.txtRRID, , adSearchForward, adBookmarkFirst
   If rsInProcess.EOF = False Then
             Found = True
             Me.frm_007N_sbfrmINprocess.Form.Recordset.Bookmark =
  End If
Set rsInProcess = Nothing

::::END CODE snip
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