Julie Reardon-Taylor
prosoft6 at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 15 10:25:41 CDT 2005
Hi Everyone, Just wondered if there were some opinions about developing in File Maker Pro vs. Access. I have heard a few opinions on the topic in the past, but wondered if anyone out there has experience in both. I'm supporting an application (backup support) that was written in File Maker Pro, and the users keep complaining that it runs really slowly around the first of the month(when they are the busiest) Since the application was written by another company, I dont' have any rights to make changes. The company claims that everything is working great.......but the users of course aren't happy. It seems that File Maker is opening every single module, even though the users may only be calling one portion of the program. You can actually sit there and watch all of the screens load. There must be at least fifteen of them. Just wondering if this is a File Maker standard type occurrence, or maybe just the way the programmer made things happen. Any opinions? Julie Reardon-Taylor PRO-SOFT OF NY, INC. 44 Public Square Suite #5 Watertown, NY 13601 Phone/Fax: (315) 785-0319 www.pro-soft.net