[AccessD] Problem with bookmarks in automation

Kim Wiggins kimjwiggins at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 25 22:04:13 CDT 2005

Hey all,

I am really trying to make this word Automation work.  I am using VB to write the code but it will not recognize the bookmarks.  It opens the document and everything like it should but it will not recognize the book mark.  The error I get is this:

the requested member of the collection does not exist


It bombs out at the green highlighted code and I can't understand why.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.




Here is my code 

Private Sub cmdLogEntry_Click()

   ' Declare the variable.

   Dim objWD As Word.Application

   Dim WordDoc As Word.Document

   Dim WordRange As Word.Range

   Dim strPath As String


   ' Set the variable (runs new instance of Word.)

   Set objWD = CreateObject("Word.Application")


   'make application visible

   objWD.Application.Visible = True


   'Get Path of Current DB

    strPath = "C:\AMS\AMS.mdb"


   'Strip FileName to Get Path to Doc


        lngInStr = InStr(lngInStr + 1, strPath, "\")

    Loop While (InStr(lngInStr + 1, strPath, "\") <> 0)


    'Get path up to the last ‘\’

    strPath = Left(strPath, lngInStr)


    'Append document name onto the end of the stripped path

    strPath = strPath & "AirframeTemplate.doc"


    'open the word document

    Set doc = objWD.Documents.Open(strPath)


    'Insert text into bookmark

     objWD.ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Item(“AT”).Range.Text = frmAircraftWO.txtAircraftType


   ' Quit Word.



   ' Clear the variable from memory.

   Set objWD = Nothing

End Sub



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