Admin Sparky at
Wed Jun 29 07:39:34 CDT 2005
Group, Can someone interpret this? This line of code is behind a button on a PowerPoint slide. As I understand it, the purpose of the button is to allow the user to acknowledge that they have read the material. This acknowledgement is tracked by an entry into a database. What exactly is happening here? They are obviously checking for an Access version...but what I'm looking for is a short explanation as to how this line of code is shelling out to Access and making an entry into a tracking database. What am I missing? Watch for major line wrap. Thanks for any enlightenment, Mark <code> Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() If InStr(1, Me.Application.Version, "11", vbTextCompare) Then Shell ("C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\MSAccess.exe ""G:\Quality_Plan\DocuTracker\docutracker.mdb"" /cmd ""G:\Quality_Plan\DocuTracker\E15Insight\2-10 (E12 Info).pps""") ElseIf InStr(1, Me.Application.Version, "10", vbTextCompare) Then Shell ("C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\MSAccess.exe ""G:\Quality_Plan\DocuTracker\docutracker.mdb"" /cmd ""G:\Quality_Plan\DocuTracker\E15Insight\2-10 (E12 Info).pps""") Else MsgBox "Old Office version. Not Recorded. Contact admin for help.", vbCritical + vbOKOnly End If Me.Application.Quit End Sub </code>