John W. Colby
jwcolby at
Fri Jun 3 09:09:26 CDT 2005
Paul, This code (see below this message) is a class clsLocation that I developed to hold information about a location. There is only one reference that is specific to my code which I will get to in a minute. As you know I prefer to use classes if the code is going to be more than trivial. This class holds all the information and methods that I thought would be useful for a single location. I populate it initially from a function that opens a recordset of addresses I want to map. Each class instance holds data about a single location. I pass in the address information. I also pass in a "name" value in order to allow naming the pushpin etc. I pass in a "type" integer just so that I can sort the locations. For example I am mapping contracts and people to call about the contracts. For this purpose, in my application every contract address is a "type" of 1 and people are "type" of 2. Type information is obviously specific to the application and can just be zero if you don't need to "group" the locations into sets. All of the data passed in are stored in private variables in the class. Function init(strName As String, lintType As Integer, lstrAddr1 As String, lstrCity As String, _ lstrState As String, lstrPostalCode As String, _ Optional lstrCountry As String = "USA") The one piece of code specific to my MapPoint framework (which is under development and which this is pulled from) is the line in init: Set mcolFindAddrRes = cMPtApp.ActiveMap.FindAddressResults(mstrAddr1, mstrCity, , lstrState, mstrPostalCode, mstrCountry) cMPTApp is a function that returns a pointer to the open MapPoint application. This corresponds to a single global variable pointer to the MapPoint Application, dimensioned private to the basInitMapPoint module, initialized in an InitMapPoint() method, and then a function cMPtApp() returns the pointer to that private global variable. This class then can provide properties to get back the data originally supplied (if you want that) such as the zipcode and so forth. It also has built into the class a call to "find" the address - in Init(): Set mcolFindAddrRes = cMPtApp.ActiveMap.FindAddressResults(mstrAddr1, mstrCity, , lstrState, mstrPostalCode, mstrCountry) The ActiveMap.FindAddressResults returns a collection of location objects that are candidates for the address you passed in. What happens is that if the address does not resolve to a single address then MapPoint will return 0 to N possible locations that MIGHT be what you are looking for. mcolFindAddrRes by the way is a collection in my class which holds all of the location objects returned by ActiveMap.FindAddressResults. You may or may not even want this kept around after the Init() finishes. It does allow you to map all the "possible locations" if you want to see them for some reason. Having asked MapPoint to find the address, the class then checks to see if exactly one location was returned in the collection. First of all, I have seen issues where the call to the FindAddressResults returned an automation error so I check for errors first. I get the feeling that the automation errors were caused by operator error (me) but it caused me to put in the check anyway. If no error, then I check for just one location in the results collection: If mcolFindAddrRes.Count = 1 Then Set mLoc = mcolFindAddrRes.Item(1) mblnOneLoc = True Else mblnOneLoc = False End If If there is just one location returned, I grab that location object and store it in mLoc. Mloc is the key to this class since it is the actual location object for an address that MapPoint understands. Having this location object allows us to create a push pin, get distances to other locations etc. So by the time the Init() returns you either have a location object and a Boolean saying you have just one, or you do not have a location object and the Boolean says that you didn't find just one location for the address supplied. What I have found is that MapPoint is very sensitive to things like "PO Box XXX" or "Suite 44" in the address1 field and fails to map to a single location for such addresses. The class then provides other functions useful to a location such as the MapIt() method which places a pushpin into the map and stores the pushpin object. I do not automatically create push pins since some applications don't need them. The class also provides two distance methods which will return the distance between this location and another location object passed in. Obviously error handling is still under development. I have only been doing this for two days, and that time includes a bunch of dev on the MapPoint framework itself - which this class is a part of. As an example of using this class, I am adding a couple of fields in my application's Agency table to allow me to iterate through all the agencies and try and map their address. I want to do this up front, then not pull an agency for mapping if I have already found it not mappable. The code to do that is immediately below. As you can see, once the Location class is built, using it is trivial and allows you to do a lot of stuff pretty quickly. Anyway, this should allow for a discussion of possibilities with MapPoint. By having a class for the location, you can wrap any and all code and properties that you think a location needs into a wrapper and use it quickly and easily. '**************************************** 'Class usage code - map all agencies that are mappable '**************************************** Function TestAgencyMapAddr() Dim db As DAO.Database Dim rst As DAO.Recordset Dim strSQL As String Dim lclsLocation As clsLocation Const cintAgency = 1 MPtInit CurrentProject.Connection With cMPtApp .Top = 0 .Left = 0 .WindowState = geoWindowStateMaximize .Visible = True End With strSQL = "SELECT * " & _ "FROM qSelAgencyMapAddr " & _ "WHERE AG_DteMappable IS NULL" Set db = CurrentDb Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL) With rst While Not .EOF Set lclsLocation = New clsLocation lclsLocation.init !Name, cintAgency, !Addr1, !City, !State, !Zip If lclsLocation.pOneLoc Then lclsLocation.mMapIt End If .MoveNext DoEvents Wend End With End Function '**************************************** 'The class code '**************************************** Option Compare Database Option Explicit Private mintType As Integer 'The type of location. Defined by application. For example, 1 = business, 2 = personal etc. Private mstrName As String 'The location name - company name, person name etc. Private mstrAddr1 As String 'The address fields needed to find a location Private mstrCity As String Private mstrState As String Private mstrPostalCode As String Private mstrCountry As String Private mblnOneLoc As Boolean 'True if more than one location matches the address info Private mblnAutomationErr As Boolean Private mcolFindAddrRes As MapPoint.FindResults 'The collection of possible locations if more than one Private mLoc As MapPoint.Location 'The specific location object if narrowed down to just one Private mPushPin As MapPoint.Pushpin 'The pushpin associated with the location Private Sub Class_Terminate() Set mLoc = Nothing Set mcolFindAddrRes = Nothing Set mPushPin = Nothing End Sub Function init(strName As String, lintType As Integer, lstrAddr1 As String, lstrCity As String, _ lstrState As String, lstrPostalCode As String, _ Optional lstrCountry As String = "USA") On Error GoTo Err_init mstrName = strName mintType = lintType mstrAddr1 = lstrAddr1 mstrCity = lstrCity mstrState = lstrState mstrPostalCode = lstrPostalCode mstrCountry = lstrCountry On Error Resume Next Set mcolFindAddrRes = cMPtApp.ActiveMap.FindAddressResults(mstrAddr1, mstrCity, , lstrState, mstrPostalCode, mstrCountry) If Err = 0 Then If mcolFindAddrRes.Count = 1 Then Set mLoc = mcolFindAddrRes.Item(1) mblnOneLoc = True Else mblnOneLoc = False End If Else mblnOneLoc = False mblnAutomationErr = True End If Exit_init: Exit Function Err_init: MsgBox Err.Description, , "Error in Function clsLocation.init" Resume Exit_init Resume 0 '.FOR TROUBLESHOOTING End Function Property Get pOneLoc() As Boolean pOneLoc = mblnOneLoc End PropertyProperty Get colFindAddrRes() As MapPoint.FindResults Set colFindAddrRes = mcolFindAddrRes End Property Property Get pLoc() As MapPoint.Location Set pLoc = mLoc End Property Property Get pPushPin() As MapPoint.Pushpin Set pPushPin = mPushPin End Property Property Get pName() As String pName = mstrName End Property Function mMapIt() As Boolean On Error GoTo Err_mMapIt Dim objLoc As MapPoint.Location If mblnAutomationErr Then Debug.Print mstrName & " Could not be looked up" Else If mblnOneLoc Then Set mPushPin = cMPtApp.ActiveMap.AddPushpin(mcolFindAddrRes(1), mstrName) mMapIt = True Else Debug.Print mcolFindAddrRes.Count & " locations found for " & mstrName End If End If ' For Each objLoc In mcolFindAddrRes ' Set mPushPin = cMPtApp.ActiveMap.AddPushpin(objLoc, mstrName) ' Next objLoc Exit_mMapIt: Exit Function Err_mMapIt: MsgBox Err.Description, , "Error in Function clsLocation.mMapIt" Resume Exit_mMapIt Resume 0 '.FOR TROUBLESHOOTING End Function Public Function DistanceAsTheCrowFlies(oLoc2 As MapPoint.Location) As Double If mblnOneLoc Then DistanceAsTheCrowFlies = mLoc.DistanceTo(oLoc2) Else DistanceAsTheCrowFlies = 0 End If End Function Public Function DistanceAsTheCarDrives(oLoc2 As MapPoint.Location) As Double On Error GoTo Err_DistanceAsTheCarDrives With cMPt.cMPtMap .ActiveRoute.Clear .ActiveRoute.Waypoints.Add mLoc, "Start" .ActiveRoute.Waypoints.Add oLoc2, "End" .ActiveRoute.Calculate DistanceAsTheCarDrives = .ActiveRoute.Distance End With Exit_DistanceAsTheCarDrives: Exit Function Err_DistanceAsTheCarDrives: MsgBox Err.Description, , "Error in Function clsFWMapPt.DistanceAsTheCarDrives" Resume Exit_DistanceAsTheCarDrives Resume 0 '.FOR TROUBLESHOOTING End Function John W. Colby Contribute your unused CPU cycles to a good cause: