Robert L. Stewart
rl_stewart at
Thu Jun 23 12:36:45 CDT 2005
Try the alias idea that I sent out a little earlier. I think that would work. At 12:00 PM 6/23/2005, you wrote: >Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 12:57:53 -0400 >From: "Susan Harkins" <ssharkins at> >Subject: RE: [AccessD] Normalizing issue >To: "'Access Developers discussion and problem solving'" > <accessd at> >Message-ID: < at SUSANONE> >Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" > >I've been considering this, this morning and I think what I've finally come >up with is this: > >A member name -- that's their real name -- which will relate to their books. >I "think" I will add a pen name field to the book table -- if they wrote the >name under another name, it'll be there for searches, write-up's, whatever. >But, there's only going to be one pen name for each book, so I think it's >safe to do this. What do you think? > >Susan H.