Michael R Mattys
mmattys at rochester.rr.com
Wed Jun 29 15:28:23 CDT 2005
Pedro, I'm really sorry, I didn't see your message. See below for what I was thinking about. It isn't tested, of course, but I think it will do Michael R. Mattys Mattys MapLib for Microsoft MapPoint http://www.mattysconsulting.com > explain the issue with the append query. > When there are new values in the commercial database, > how does the append query [know] which items are new > to append to the tblDebiteur. Commercial DB > DEBSTM > Nummer = Text (but al Id's are numbers) = Primary Key > Adres > Plaats In your autoexec, run this query: qryPedro1 INSERT INTO tblDEBITEUR (DebID, Postadres, Woonplaats) SELECT Clng(Nummer) As DebID, Adres As PostAdres, Plaats As Woonplaats FROM DEBSTM WHERE IN DEBSTM.DebID NOT IN (SELECT tblDEBITEUR.DebID FROM tblDEBITEUR) IN 'C:\Wife.mdb' Your Wife's DB > tblDEBITEUR Add AutoNumber Field Here - It has no meaning, it is an index > DebID = Number (Long Integer) > Postadres > Woonplaats