Sad Der
accessd666 at
Thu Jun 30 00:46:32 CDT 2005
Jim, I'm probably missing the big picture here but i'll give it a try. Suppose you have a table with the following fields: Query (Text) Parameter (Text) ParameterType (Text) It has the values: Query Parameter ParameterType A strareacode String A intCo Integer A "AreaActSummaryACT" String A "dept1" String A .Worksheets(y).Range("a11") Range You could add all parameters and there types in an array Something like this: intCntr = Select count(*) from ParameterTable where Query = "A" dim avarParameter() as variant redim avarparameter(1,intCntr) So now you now how to convert the parameter types. for lngArrayCntr = 0 to UBOUND(avarparameter) ConvertDataType(avarparameter(1,lngArrayCntr) next lngArrayCntr Did I mis it completely? :-) HTH SD --- "Hale, Jim" <Jim.Hale at> wrote: > In a class I have created a method that reads query > names from a table and > opens the appropriate record sets. There may be any > number of queries that > are run by a single method call. For parameter > queries life is more > complicated. I created a method which loads the > variables into a ParmArray > and then sets the query parameters to the correct > variable. The problem with > this is I can only run one parameter query at a time > from my method. a > typical call looks like: > > 'set parameter values > Call Xcel.QryParmValues(strareacode, intCo, > "AreaActSummaryACT", "dept1", > .Worksheets(y).Range("a11")) > ' read query names from table and open the > recorsets. > Xcel.MultiplePasteExcel (119) > > 119 is the case number so the method knows which the > query names to pull > from a table. Ideally I would like to store all the > parameters for all the > queries in a table and extract them as needed. > "AreaActSummaryACT", and > "dept1" are no problem since they are strings. What > I don't know how to do > is store variable names such as strareacode, intCo > as strings in a table and > then assign them the correct value from the > procedure all this is running > in. Worksheets(y).Range("a11")) will also be a > challenge to store in a table > (it picks up the parameter value from an Excel > worksheet) but I may be able > use eval() to create the correct value. If I can > solve these problems I will > be able to populate Excel workbooks with one method > call since all the info > needed to create recordsets with data to paste into > worksheets will reside > in a table. If I can't store the variable names in a > table I quess I could > expand the QryParmValues method to handle a multi > dimensional array but I > am not at all sure how to do this either. Any help > will be appreciated. > > Jim Hale > > > > *********************************************************************** > The information transmitted is intended solely for > the individual or > entity to which it is addressed and may contain > confidential and/or > privileged material. Any review, retransmission, > dissemination or > other use of or taking action in reliance upon this > information by > persons or entities other than the intended > recipient is prohibited. > If you have received this email in error please > contact the sender and > delete the material from any computer. As a > recipient of this email, > you are responsible for screening its contents and > the contents of any > attachments for the presence of viruses. No > liability is accepted for > any damages caused by any virus transmitted by this email.> -- > AccessD mailing list > AccessD at > > Website: > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around