Darren DICK
d.dick at uws.edu.au
Wed Mar 16 17:38:03 CST 2005
Cross Posted to Sue and Dmitry's list Hello all I am putting together some email code that gets all the records from a temp table, loops through all the email address in that temp table and sends an email to those persons using Outlook (11) and Using redemtion If I have say.5 Email address in the temp table and I run the code , The first 2 records from the temp table have emails created for them and the emails can be 'seen' in the 'Drafts' folder of Outlook (As Expected) but the code then fails on the 3rd (Regardless of the email address) with the following error Run-time Error '-2147418113(8000fff) Method Update Not Supported By Automation Object CONTINUE END DEBUG HELP When I click on Debug It highlighs the .Send line in the code below I didn't think I was updating anything ith the code below Any suggestions welcome Many thanks Darren <Code> Dim db As DAO.Database Dim sel_SQL As String Dim rs As DAO.Recordset Dim intRecordCount As Integer Dim strFirstName As String Dim gappOutlook As New Outlook.Application Dim msg Dim omsg sel_SQL = "SELECT * FROM [tmptblEmailAddresses]" Set db = CurrentDb() Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(sel_SQL) Set omsg = gappOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem) Set msg = New Redemption.SafeMailItem msg.Item = omsg With rs If (rs.EOF) Then MsgBox "There are no Persons who have registered an interest in this Activity/Event", vbInformation, "No Registrations" Else With msg While (Not (rs.EOF)) strFirstName = rs!FirstName .To = rs!EmailAddress .cc = Me.txtCC .bcc = Me.txtBCC .Subject = Me.txtSubject .Attachments.Add Me.txtAttachment .Body = "Hi " & strFirstName & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Me.txtBody '.Display .Send '<========DEBUG COMES HERE WHEN IT ERRORS rs.MoveNext Wend End With End If End With </Code>