Lavsa, Rich
Rich_Lavsa at
Wed Mar 23 07:27:25 CST 2005
Hello all, I was just curious if anyone out there has ever written any code (ADO or DAO) to Normalize a Pivot or Crosstab data table. Reason: I get a data matrix that looks like a pivot table. The matrix is set up with formula's in excel so its easy for the outside company to update the entire matrix and email the updated matrix to our users. Problem is getting the updated data into a normalized state so it can be used in the database. I did try UNTOOLS ( which works great for a 1 time conversion, however I need this to be an automated approach where the user simply has to copy the file to a specified directory then push a button in the application to update the database. Yesterday I had a very clear vision of how I'd write the code but this morning my brain isn't working too clearly. Any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks, Rich