[AccessD] Embedding a WAV file

Darren DICK d.dick at uws.edu.au
Tue Mar 1 19:18:56 CST 2005

Hi Rocky
I have a folder in the App home folder for sounds. Also one for Images and
Skins etc
C:\Program Files\My app will be the 'home' folder
And in it will be 
C:\Program Files\My app\Sounds (About 5 or 6 files in here)
C:\Program Files\My app\Images (3 more folders and about 20 files in here)
C:\Program Files\My app\Skins (1 folder (but it can grow) and many files in

I install them when I install the app.
They are my 'standard' folders and files and go with every app.
And I refer to them now by heart with lines like 
(I actually use globals for the length of the session But can be done at a
form Sub level just as easy)
Dim strSkinToUse as String
Dim strSkinFolder as String
Dim strImagesFolder as String

strSkinToUse = Dlookup("[SkinName]","tblOptions")
strSkinFolder = Left(CurrentDb.Name, Len(CurrentDb.Name) -
Len(Dir(CurrentDb.Name)) - 1) & "\Skins\" & strSkinToUse 
strImagesFolder= Left(CurrentDb.Name, Len(CurrentDb.Name) -
Len(Dir(CurrentDb.Name)) - 1) & "\Images"
strSoundsFolder= Left(CurrentDb.Name, Len(CurrentDb.Name) -
Len(Dir(CurrentDb.Name)) - 1) & "\Sounds"

Then I refer to each skin component like.....('Cause I know 'em off by

Me.picture =  strSkinFolder  & "\Background.jpg"
Me.imgMyLogo = strImagesFolder & "\OurLogo.jpg"

I use the API code "PlaySound" for Playing Sounds
Private Sub Form_Load()
	PlaySound (strSoundsFolder & "\Logon.wav")
End sub

It works and is pretty simple.


See ya


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