[AccessD] Is one time between two other times

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Fri Mar 18 17:25:59 CST 2005

On 18 Mar 2005 at 13:19, paul.hartland at fsmail.net wrote:

> To all, I can't seem to figure this out at all, I have a table of which
> one of the fields is a start time.  I need to run a query to see if that
> time is between 07:00 and 19:00 

Times are stored as the fractional part of a DateTime so just check whether 
the fractional part is

       > 7 / 24 and < 19 / 24

>or 19:00 and 07:00.

      > 19 / 24 or < 7 / 24

In sert equal signs as necessary to handle your desired boundary conditions 
(ie exactly 07:0 or 19:0)-- 

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