dmcafee at
dmcafee at
Wed Mar 30 11:24:15 CST 2005
I wouldn't worry about matching the spouses. In this day and age, you have ex-spouses, unmarried parents, same sex - unmarried parents and/or legal guardians (Aunt, Uncle, Grandparent...) Instead create a junction table for a many to many relationship. tblEmployee EmployeeID EmployeeName (more fields here) tblChildren ChildID ChildName (more fields here) tblEmpChildJunct EmpChildID (PK) EmployeeID (FK) ChildID (FK) By doing it this way, a quick query can always find one or more employees related to that child. HTH David McAfee -----Original Message----- From: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List [mailto:ACCESS-L at PEACH.EASE.LSOFT.COM]On Behalf Of Ervin Brindza Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 4:40 AM To: ACCESS-L at PEACH.EASE.LSOFT.COM Subject: Match the spouse Cross posted Hi, I have to modify the design of my human resources database (workers in the factory) to add a feature to match the spouse if the spouse works here too. And it would be great too to avoid duplicationg the kids records, which are in separate table in one to many relation with the main table. Are there any suggestions? Many TIA, Ervin -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ACCESS-L list is hosted on a Windows(R) 2000 Server running L-Soft international's LISTSERV(R) software. For subscription/signoff info and archives, see . COPYRIGHT INFO: