[AccessD] May need an Unbound form

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Thu Mar 31 00:48:52 CST 2005

On 31 Mar 2005 at 1:25, John W. Colby wrote:
> AllowEdits False
> AllowDeletes False
> AllowAdds False
> EditMode True
> This should allow all the controls to accept data but no control can accept
> data.

If all the "Allows" are false, why do you think you should be able to add 
or edit data?

> I tried AllowEdits true and Editmode false, no help.  

Which is equivalenty to "allow edits" but  "don't do any editing"

The form is not
> locked, the controls are not locked. The form was opened originally from a
> form which was passing in a filter if that means anything.  I was going to
> grab the existing record data and then unbind the form but I am now just
> looking at a plain Jane new data entry form.

If the form is unbound, just allow everything - no one's going to be 
damaging any data.


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