[AccessD] OT - Can Anyone Help With Excel Problem

paul.hartland at fsmail.net paul.hartland at fsmail.net
Fri May 6 03:44:51 CDT 2005

To all,

I Have a workbook which contains two sheets, 
sheet1 is a plan sheet with Date (dd/mm/yy) (Col A), Day (Monday etc) (Col 2) (roughly about 291 dates/days).  Row 1 contains Area's.
sheet2 has a list of store names (Col A) and store numbers (Col B) and a blank date field (Col C).
What I need to achieve is if a store number is entered into sheet1 underneath an area and next to a date, I need to look up that store number in sheet2 and put the date into Col C

Has anyone any idea on the best way to do this, I have messed about with simple macros before now but not do anything like this in Excel before......

If I have managed to confuse anyone on what I need to achieve, I will happily email a sample sheet off-line

Thanks in advance for all you help....

Paul Hartland


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