[AccessD] changing fieldname

Neal Kling nkling at co.montgomery.ny.us
Wed May 4 07:33:17 CDT 2005

>>can i change a fieldname of a table with a definition query and ALTER TABLE tablename ALTER COLUMN?


I would probably use ALTER TABLE to add a field, then copy the contents and DROP the old one. But some years ago I wrote functions to do this and used them in a project. I'm pasting them in for you incase you'd prefer this. There are functions to create an index, create and delete a table and field, create, modify and delete properties and create and delete table links.

Watch for line wraps.


'I chose to pass database objects rather than the name because I find
'myself using a number of these for a given update.  In this way I'm
'opening the target database once for the process rather than for every
'function that runs.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

'Comments  :  create an index in the specified db and table
'Parameters:  db - Database object
'             strTable - string, Table in which to create index
'             strIndexName - string, Index to create
'             strFields() - string, Array of fields on which to base index.
'               This must be an array even if there is only one element.
'             fUnique - boolean, True if you want a unique index
'             fPrimary - boolean, True if you want this to be the key index
'Returns   :  True on success
'Created by: Neal A. Kling
'Created   : 6/4/99 2:54:36 PM
Function CreateIndex(db As Database, strTable As String, strIndexName As String, _
      strFields() As String, fUnique As Boolean, fPrimary As Boolean) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_CreateIndex

Dim tbldef As TableDef
Dim indx As Index
Dim indxfld As Field
Dim I As Integer

Set tbldef = db.TableDefs(strTable)

On Error Resume Next 'ignore error if index doesn't exist
  tbldef.Indexes.Delete strIndexName
On Error GoTo Err_CreateIndex

Set indx = tbldef.CreateIndex(strIndexName)
  With indx
    .Unique = fUnique
    .Primary = fPrimary
    For I = 0 To UBound(strFields) - 1
      .Fields.Append .CreateField(strFields(I))
    Next I
  End With
  tbldef.Indexes.Append indx
  CreateIndex = True  'success

On Error Resume Next
Set tbldef = Nothing
Set indx = Nothing
Exit Function

  Select Case Err
  Case 0    'insert Errors you wish to ignore here
    Resume Next
  Case Else 'All other errors will trap
    MsgBox Err.Number & "; " & Err.Description, , "Error in function basObjectHandlers.CreateIndex"
  Resume Exit_CreateIndex
  End Select
End Function

'Comments  :  Delete a table from the specified db
'Parameters:  db - Database object
'             strTable - string, Table which is to be deleted
'Returns   : True on success
'Created by: Neal A. Kling and John Sass
'Created   : 3/5/99 4:18:55 PM
Function DeleteTable(db As Database, strTable As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_DeleteTable

  db.TableDefs.Delete strTable
  DeleteTable = True      'Delete happened or Table does not exist

'Clean up
  On Error Resume Next
Exit Function

  Select Case Err
  Case 3265      'Item doesn't exist in collection
    Resume Next
  Case Else   'All other errors will trap
    MsgBox Err.Description, , "Error in function basObjectHandlers.DeleteField"
    DeleteTable = False
    Resume Exit_DeleteTable
  End Select
End Function
'Comments  :  deletes a field in the specified db and table
'Parameters:  db - Database object
'             strTable - string, Table in which to delete field
'             strFieldName - string, Field to be deleted
'Returns   :  true on success
'Created by: Neal A. Kling
'Created   : 3/5/99 4:39:02 PM
Function DeleteField(db As Database, strTable As String, _
                    strFieldName As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_DeleteField
  Dim tbldef As TableDef
  Set tbldef = db.TableDefs(strTable)
  tbldef.Fields.Delete strFieldName
  DeleteField = True          'Delete happened or field did not exist

'Clean up
  On Error Resume Next
  Set tbldef = Nothing
Exit Function

  Select Case Err
  Case 3265      'Item doesn't exist in colection
    Resume Next
  Case Else   'All other errors will trap
    MsgBox Err.Description, , "Error in function basObjectHandlers.DeleteField"
    DeleteField = False
    Resume Exit_DeleteField
  End Select
End Function

'Comments  :  delete an index in the specified db and table
'Parameters:  db - Database object
'             strTable - string, Table in which to delete index
'             strIndexName - string, Index to be deleted
'Returns   :  true on success
'Created by: Neal A. Kling
'Created   : 3/5/99 4:42:35 PM
Function DeleteIndex(db As Database, strTable As String, _
                    strIndexName As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_DeleteIndex

  Dim tbldef As TableDef
  Set tbldef = db.TableDefs(strTable)
  tbldef.Indexes.Delete strIndexName
  DeleteIndex = True      'Delete happened or field did not exist

  On Error Resume Next
  Set tbldef = Nothing
Exit Function

  Select Case Err
  Case 3265      'Item doesn't exist in colection
    Resume Next
  Case Else 'All other errors will trap
    MsgBox Err.Description, , "Error in function basObjectHandlers.DeleteIndex"
    DeleteIndex = False
  Resume Exit_DeleteIndex
  End Select
End Function

'Comments  :  create a field in the specified db and table
'Parameters:  db - Database object
'             strTable - string, Table in which to create field
'             strFieldName - string, Field to be created
'             intType - integer, Field type
'             intLength - variant, optional, length; applies text fields
'             fAutoIncrement - boolean, optional, if type is dbLong you may set this to true
'               to create an autonumber field
'Returns   :  true on success
'Created by: Neal A. Kling
'Created   : 3/5/99 5:22:59 PM
Function CreateField(db As Database, strTable As String, strFieldName As String, intType As Integer, _
             Optional intLength As Variant, Optional fAutoIncrement As Boolean) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_CreateField

Dim tbldef As TableDef
Dim fld As Field

Set tbldef = db.TableDefs(strTable)

'create the field
Set fld = tbldef.CreateField(strFieldName, intType, intLength)
  If fAutoIncrement = True And intType = dbLong Then
    'make an autonumber field
    fld.Attributes = dbAutoIncrField
  End If
tbldef.Fields.Append fld

'return true if successful
CreateField = True

  On Error Resume Next
  'clean up
  Set fld = Nothing
  Set tbldef = Nothing
  Exit Function

  Select Case Err
  Case 0    'insert Errors you wish to ignore here
    Resume Next
  Case 3191 'field already exists
    CreateField = True
    Resume Exit_CreateField
  Case Else 'All other errors will trap
    MsgBox Err.Number & "; " & Err.Description, , "Error in function Backend Upgrades.CreateField"
  Resume Exit_CreateField
  End Select
End Function

'Comments  :  set a field property
'Parameters:  db - Database object
'             strTable - string, Table in which to set property
'             strField - string, Field in which to set property
'             strProperty - string, Name of property
'             varValue - variant, Value to be set
'             intPropType - integer, Property type
'Returns   :  True on success
'Created by: Neal A. Kling
'Created   : 3/10/99 8:27:20 AM
Function SetFieldProperty(db As Database, strTable As String, strField As String, strProperty As String, _
    varValue As Variant, intPropType As Integer) As Boolean
  On Error GoTo Err_SetFieldProperty
  Dim tbldef As TableDef
  Dim fld As Field
  Dim prop As Property
  Dim MyProp As Property
  Set tbldef = db.TableDefs(strTable)
  Set fld = tbldef.Fields(strField)
Select Case intPropType
  Case dbText
    fld.Properties(strProperty).Value = CStr(varValue)
  Case dbLong
    fld.Properties(strProperty).Value = CLng(varValue)
  Case Else
    fld.Properties(strProperty).Value = varValue
End Select
  SetFieldProperty = True
  On Error Resume Next
  Set fld = Nothing
  Set tbldef = Nothing
  Set MyProp = Nothing
Exit Function

  Select Case Err
  Case 0    'insert Errors you wish to ignore here
    Resume Next
  Case 3270 'property doesn't exist
    Set MyProp = fld.CreateProperty(strProperty)
    MyProp.Type = intPropType
    MyProp.Value = varValue
    fld.Properties.Append MyProp
    Resume Next
  Case Else 'All other errors will trap
    MsgBox Err.Number & "; " & Err.Description, , "Error in function basObjectHandlers.SetFieldProperty"
  Resume Exit_SetFieldProperty
  End Select
End Function

'Comments  :  delete a field property
'             use this to clear a user defined property
'Parameters:  db - Database object
'             strTable - string, Table in which to delete property
'             strField - string, Field from which to delete a property
'             strProperty - string, Property to delete
'Returns   :  true on success
'Created by: Neal A. Kling
'Created   : 3/10/99 8:27:20 AM
Function ClearFieldProperty(db As Database, strTable As String, strField As String, _
      strProperty As String) As Boolean
  On Error GoTo Err_ClearFieldProperty
  Dim tbldef As TableDef
  Dim fld As Field
  Dim prop As Property
  Dim MyProp As Property
  Dim varValue
  Set tbldef = db.TableDefs(strTable)
  Set fld = tbldef.Fields(strField)
    fld.Properties.Delete strProperty
  ClearFieldProperty = True
  On Error Resume Next
  Set fld = Nothing
  Set tbldef = Nothing
Exit Function

  Select Case Err
  Case 0    'insert Errors you wish to ignore here
    Resume Next
  Case 3270 'property doesn't exist
    Resume Next
  Case 3265 'item not found in collection, ignore
    Resume Next
  Case 3384 'can't delete a built in property
    ClearFieldProperty = False
    Resume Exit_ClearFieldProperty
  Case Else 'All other errors will trap
    ClearFieldProperty = False
    MsgBox Err.Number & "; " & Err.Description, , "Error in function basObjectHandlers.ClearFieldProperty"
    Resume Exit_ClearFieldProperty
  End Select
End Function

'Comments  :  create table link
'Parameters:  strTableName - string, name of table to link to
'             strBe - string, fully qualified PATH and FILE NAME of back end
'             strLocalTableName - string, optional, name of table in front end
'               if not specified local name will be same as linked table
'Returns   :  true on success
'Created by: John Sass and Neal A. Kling
'Created   : 3/12/99 4:41:10 PM
Function CreateLinkedTableDef(strTableName As String, strBE As String _
                , Optional strLocalTableName As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_CreateLinkedTableDef
Dim db As Database
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)
Dim tbl As TableDef
Set tbl = db.CreateTableDef
  If Len(strLocalTableName) > 0 Then
    tbl.name = strLocalTableName
    tbl.name = strTableName
  End If
  tbl.Connect = ";DATABASE=" & strBE
  tbl.SourceTableName = strTableName

  db.TableDefs.Append tbl
  CreateLinkedTableDef = True
Exit Function

  Select Case Err
  Case 0    'insert Errors you wish to ignore here
    Resume Next
  Case 3012 'object already exists
    CreateLinkedTableDef = True
    Resume Next
  Case Else 'All other errors will trap
    CreateLinkedTableDef = False
    MsgBox Err.Number & "; " & Err.Description, , "Error in function basObjectHandlers.CreateLinkedTableDef"
  Resume Exit_CreateLinkedTableDef
  End Select
End Function

'Comments  :  delete a table link, only deletes link - not table in back end
'Parameters:  strTableName - string, name of table link to be deleted
'Returns   :  true on success
'Created by: Neal A. Kling
'Created   : 3/19/99 3:33:19 PM
Function DeleteTableLink(strTableName As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_DeleteTableLink
  Dim db As Database
  Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)
  db.TableDefs.Delete strTableName

  DeleteTableLink = True

Exit Function

  Select Case Err
  Case 0    'insert Errors you wish to ignore here
    Resume Next
  Case 3265      'Item doesn't exist in collection
        Resume Next
  Case Else 'All other errors will trap
    MsgBox Err.Number & "; " & Err.Description, , "Error in function basObjectHandlers.DeleteTableLink"
  Resume Exit_DeleteTableLink
  End Select
End Function

Function fCreateTable() As Boolean
' I haven't written this one yet.  Every time I start to think about it I realise that
' it'll be so complex with passed arrays of objects which in turn have to be created that
' it's just not worth it.  I used to build this one specifically for each table that I need.

'What I'm doing now is I have a separate db that is shipped with updates.  In it I put any
'new tables that I need in my back end.  In my update code I run this db, passing it the
'path\filename of the back end.  Then the db copies to the back end any new tables that
'don't yet exist.

  fCreateTable = False
End Function

'end *******************************************************************

If not can it been done in sql or in code and how??

Pedro Janssen
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