Stuart McLachlan
stuart at
Wed May 11 17:10:34 CDT 2005
On 11 May 2005 at 9:08, Joe Rojas wrote: > I have a report that only has a bar graph chart on it. > What I am trying to do is have the user prompted for a date range that will > be used to qualify what records are returned. > I thought that if I change the two dates in the qReportData (see below) to > something like [Enter Start Date] and [Enter End Date] that this would give > me what I was looking for but instead I get an error message that reads: > "The Microsoft Jet database engine does not recognize '[Enter Start Date]' > as a valid field name or expression" > You can't use paramaters in this situation. A common solution is to use static functions. Here's how to do it using funcitons StartDate() and ENdDate(): Have a "Report Selection Form" whith two text boxes (txtStartDate and txtEndDate) and buttons to print/preview your reports. In each button's on_click use StartDate() txtStartDate EndDate() txtEndDate DoCmd.OPenReport....... In your query, use WHERE [DateOpened] BETWEEN StartDate() AND EndDate()#5/1/2005# AND #5/7/2005# Place these two functions in a module: Static Function StartDate(Optional strInput As String) As Date Dim dteStore As Date If strInput > " " Then dteStore = DateValue(strInput) StartDate = dteStore End Function Static Function EndDate(Optional strInput As String) As Date Dim dteStore As Date If strInput > " " Then dteStore = DateValue(strInput) EndDate = dteStore End Function -- Stuart