[AccessD] Global Variable

Gustav Brock Gustav at cactus.dk
Tue May 17 05:30:27 CDT 2005

Hi John

Well, here we have full control on where functions put their nasty

I haven't managed yet to build self generating code; to some this would
indicate a brave new world, to some it would be a nightmare - functions
creeping around and attacking our globals and eating our children...
gosh. But worse, they would soon learn how to take advantage of your
functions to change those "private variables"! Be prepared.


>>> jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com 05/16 10:58 pm >>>

..  Making this a global allows functions
that have no business setting these variables to change them.  By
having a
private variable returned by a public function, any function that needs
information can get it but cannot modify it.

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