adtp at touchtelindia.net
Wed May 18 11:55:01 CDT 2005
JR, You might like to try for optimum combination of the following features - Me.MoveLayout Me.NextRecord Me.PrintSection Manipulation of above properties can result in inconsistent values returned by Pages property of the report. Best wishes, A.D.Tejpal -------------- ----- Original Message ----- From: Joe Rojas To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving' Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2005 02:14 Subject: [AccessD] Force New Detail Section I don't think this question will spark a thread like my Global Variable question did. :) I am using the MS code for forcing the detail section of a report to repeat a specified number of times without regard to the number of records in the record source for the report. How it achieves this is by setting Me.NextRecord to False until the correct number of repetitions is achieved. Once the number of repetitions is achieved, the code does not set Me.NextRecord to False and the detail section stops repeating. What I need to do it is stop the detail section from repeating at a certain point with out allowing the recordset for the report moving to the next record. Or in other words, break the detail section from repeating and allow the next Group Header to execute while still keeping Me.NextRecord = False. Is this possible? Thanks! JR