martyconnelly at
Mon May 30 15:01:01 CDT 2005
There is also this method, using Shell.Application, it allows creation of folders but you can't back up beyond the initial opened folder, I suppose useful if you don't want some investigating a shared folder. There are a boatload of other little uses of this object. like minimizing all open screens or opening a specific desktop control panel ' 'SHDOC401.DLL for IE5 Function fnShellBrowseForFolderWindows() Dim objShell Dim ssfWINDOWS Dim objFolder ssfWINDOWS = 36 Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application") Set objFolder = objShell.BrowseForFolder(0, "Example Select Folder", 0, ssfWINDOWS) If (Not objFolder Is Nothing) Then 'Add code here. Debug.Print objFolder.Title Debug.Print objFolder.ParentFolder.ParseName(objFolder.Title).Path End If Set objFolder = Nothing Set objShell = Nothing End Function ' 'SHDOC401.DLL for IE5 '?fnShellBrowseForFolder("c:\access files") Function fnShellBrowseForFolder(strRootPath) Dim objShell Dim ssfWINDOWS Dim objFolder ssfWINDOWS = 36 Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application") Set objFolder = objShell.BrowseForFolder(0, "Example Select Folder", 0, strRootPath) If (Not objFolder Is Nothing) Then 'Add code here. Debug.Print objFolder.Title Debug.Print objFolder.ParentFolder.ParseName(objFolder.Title).Path End If Set objFolder = Nothing Set objShell = Nothing End Function Function fnShellFindFilesVB() Dim objShell Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application") objShell.FindFiles Set objShell = Nothing End Function Function fnShellOpenVB() Dim objShell Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application") objShell.Open ("C:\") Set objShell = Nothing End Function Function fnShellExploreJ() Dim objShell Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application") objShell.Explore ("C:\") Set objShell = Nothing End Function Function fnShellExploreVB() Dim objShell Dim ssfWINDOWS ssfWINDOWS = 36 Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application") objShell.Explore (ssfWINDOWS) Set objShell = Nothing End Function Stuart McLachlan wrote: >On 30 May 2005 at 8:07, John W. Colby wrote: > > >>This displays a different dialog with a "make new folder" button on it. >> >> >> > >Great, I was still looking when you found it. I'll definitely update my >bits and pieces store 'Useful.MDB" to include this one. > > > > > -- Marty Connelly Victoria, B.C. Canada