Kathryn Bassett
kathryn at bassett.net
Mon Nov 14 18:41:39 CST 2005
DataViz has a Palm program that synchs with Access http://www.dataviz.com/products/smartlisttogo/index.html I have an Access2000 file called books that has 3 tables - books, authors, and status. Books table has ID number as primary key, title and memo are text fields, and tblAuthorLookup and tblStatusLookup. I can provide a zipped copy if needed. I'm new to SmartListToGo and working with trial version to see if I can get this to work. If it does, I intend to buy program. In the SmartList To Go User Reviews, it says in part "SmartList To Go is a complete database manager, including the major functions from Access. The one-to-many function makes more than lists, allowing you to link across several tables" That implies to me that I can link to a query that draws from more than one table. However, when I try linking to my query (Books Query order by Author) it says "The query you have selected cannot be synchronized because it is based on more than one source table. Please select a different table or query." If I choose the Books table, then it gives the ID number of the authors and status, instead of the author and the status. So the question is, can I do what I want to do, which is to have the authors and the status show? If not, then is there someone who can tell me what (easy) changes to make to my database so that it is possible? In case it makes a difference, for this database, I will not need to synch from the Palm back to Desktop, as all my changes will be in Access. I plan to use it when shopping for books so that I don't get a duplicate. -- Kathryn Rhinehart Bassett (Pasadena CA) "Genealogy is my bag" "GH is my soap" kathryn at bassett.net http://bassett.net -- Kathryn Rhinehart Bassett (Pasadena CA) "Genealogy is my bag" "GH is my soap" kathryn at bassett.net http://bassett.net