[AccessD] Trap for Error

MartyConnelly martyconnelly at shaw.ca
Sun Nov 13 13:57:42 CST 2005

Just find which event is firing the error Before Update, Enter etc
then add something like below

 Sub BeforeUpdateevent()
On Error GoTo Err_btnSave
    Exit Sub

If Err.Number =2221 then
 MsgBox "You are being too verbose, use less than 75 characters"
 MsgBox "Error in Before Update" & " " & Err.Description & Err.Number
end if
    Resume Exit_btnSave_Click
End Sub

Tony Septav wrote:

>Hey All
>Does anyone know how to trap for the error message "The text is too long 
>to be edited", when someone trys to paste text, into a field, that 
>exceeds the maximum characters for that field. I would just like to 
>change the message to something a little more informative for the user, 
>like "The text is too long maximum characters allowed 75"

Marty Connelly
Victoria, B.C.

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