[AccessD] WindowsXP Zipping Texr Files

MartyConnelly martyconnelly at shaw.ca
Sun Nov 20 12:22:32 CST 2005

You need to purchase Winzip and use the command line utility

s = "C:\Program Files\Winzip\wzzip.exe -a  -ex -ybc Mydatafile.zip " & 
lPid = Shell(s, vbHide) ' vbNormalFocus)

You can also use the OpenProcess api to check completion

Failing that use the open source zlib from


wangoh wrote:

>Hi All!
>WindowsXP has the built in capabilities to Zip files.
>Does anyone has the codes to do this with a click on a button within MsAccess.
>I would like to zip C:\MyappFolder\Mydatafile.txt to Mydatafile.zip 

Marty Connelly
Victoria, B.C.

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