[AccessD] Virtual library

Ervin Brindza viner at EUnet.yu
Mon Oct 31 02:14:57 CST 2005

<Cross posted ACCESS-L and AccessD DatabaseAdvisors>
I was aked to do some voluntary work for some community. I need some ideas in designing a virtual library management database. The database will manage various matherial for amatheur folk dancers, mostly with their home made video and sound matherial, maybe books etc. The library members will have a questionnaire(in .doc, .xls or .mdb I don't know yet) and will send the data for the "main library manager", who will import tha data to the main library(maybe further directly through Web). There will be involved books, video tapes, CD, DVD disc, sound recordings(LP discs, sound casettes etc.) etc. 
So when a member want to learn some special type of folk dance he/she 'll ask the "main library" are there any matherial for this. Are there any idea for tables and relationships?
Many thanks in advance,
    Ervin Brindza

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