Borge Hansen
pcs at
Mon Oct 17 09:55:00 CDT 2005
Running Windows XP SP1 Access (OfficeXP SP3) (Coexists with Access97) Jet4 SP8 Cannot establish any ADO connection ..... Access (or whatever is in control here) does not recognize the CurrentProject..... The following codebit from Getz' Access2002 CH3.MDB keeps crashing on the line starting rst.Open "Select.... ******************* Public Function Load() As Boolean Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset On Error GoTo HandleErrors Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset 'Crashes on the following line rst.Open "Select * from tblCats WHERE ID = " & Me.ID, Application.CurrentProject.Connection With rst If Not .EOF Then mstrName = !Name mdatBirthdate = !Birthdate mstrSex = !Sex mstrBreed = !Breed mstrColor = !Color mfNeutered = !Neutered mlngID = !ID End If End With Load = True ExitHere: If Not rst Is Nothing Then rst.Close Set rst = Nothing Exit Function HandleErrors: Load = False MsgBox "Error Here: " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description Resume ExitHere End Function Note: The code as is crashes Access because of the poor error handling, **************** I have repaired, re-installed, removed and installed from scratch OfficeXP Professional - no improvement... Runnig the same code on another machine with Access2003 installed (and no other Office version) with no problem.... What does it take to run it on the other machine with AccessXP installed??? As I said, I've repaired, re-installed, then removed all of OfficeXP and installed from scratch.... Funny enough, after that it still says SP3 on the About Screen...... All references when loading CH3.mdb are ticked.... I am at the end of the rope.... HELP! /borge