Gustav Brock
Gustav at
Thu Oct 20 06:57:03 CDT 2005
Hi Ken Thanks for those links. Looks interesting. Just don't know where to find time to elaborate on these ... /gustav >>> KIsmert at 19-10-2005 21:26 >>> Shamil, >As for "an object design down to the lowest level" - >this is still questionable here how it should be done - >and it's getting the more questionable what this design >should be the more I'm getting into the modern methods >of OOP&D... Theoretical questions aside, the notable object-data systems doing useful things now are the open-source web frameworks using the Model-View-Controller model. Ruby on Rails is the prime example. Since I have far from a deep understanding of MVC, I will just point out that the data objects are modeled in code, and changes in the data objects are reflected to the table structure of the underlying database. One challenge that future OO DBMS projects will have is equalling or bettering the ease-of-use of these MVC frameworks. One thing is certain: they'll never beat the price. Ruby on Rails Django TurboGears Ruby on Rails Model-View-Controller Article -Ken