[AccessD] Data interface The best way

Steve Conklin developer at ultradnt.com
Thu Oct 20 08:56:49 CDT 2005

Do any of these alternatives ship with native UI and/or report building?
Or am I still looking at ASP/ASP.net or Access/ODBC or VB 6/net and maybe
Crystal with all of the aforementioned? 
In particular, is there an Access equivalent (that is,one-stop shopping, not
mysql with kylix or anything like that) that runs on Linux?


-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Gustav Brock
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2005 8:17 AM
To: accessd at databaseadvisors.com
Subject: Re: [AccessD] Data interface The best way

Hi Shamil

I think you would have a nice experience with Caché. It's quite fun - and a
much different feeling - to deal with tables and related tables directly as
persistent classes. And stored procedures etc. can be written in either VB
syntax or CachéScript which is more like C syntax. "Embedded" SQL can be
used too.


>>> shamil at users.mns.ru 19-10-2005 13:47 >>>
Hi Gustav,

Yes, there is no single answer to all needs.
Yes, speed isn't that important sometimes.

As for "an object design down to the lowest level" - this is still
questionable here how it should be done - and it's getting the more
questionable what this design should be the more I'm getting into the modern
methods of OOP&D...

...it looks like the more popular is getting a "good old idea" of OOP
founders (Grady Booch etc.) that objects are not "encapsulated data with
behavior" but behavior first of all and encapsulated data are secondary...

...as far as I see this idea is getting into mainstream R&D...

...and as far as I may guess true OO DBMS of the future (5-10 years from
now?) will be quite different from what we see now on the market (I could be
missing something) - the query result of such OO DBMS database will be
objects with behavior not just data, and object with behavior first of

...this is where LINQ will evolve as far as I may guess (is Caché doing
something like that there days?)...

...how this will be done technically is an open question - will they store
something like .NET assemblies in OO database together with data or...?

...the effective OODBMS of the future will become reality when relatively
cheap mutlicore processors with hundreds(thousands, ...?) of cores will
become everyday and mass market things not "expensive technical miracles"...

...will MS be leading in this area in 10 years from now or not? They have
just lost Ward Cunningham who left them to join Eclipse Foundation


----- Original Message -----
From: "Gustav Brock" <Gustav at cactus.dk>
To: <accessd at databaseadvisors.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 8:20 PM
Subject: Re: [AccessD] Data interface The best way

Hi Shamil

You are right - there is no single answer to all needs and that counts for
db engines as well.
I have no idea where, say, Caché is faster than other solutions, if any, but
I'm sure in _some_ cases it will be. It is difficult to say as Intersystems
as well as other suppliers are very reluctant to publish comparable
benchmarks which reflect real scenarios.

You can also turn it upside down; in some cases speed is not that important
and for such scenarios it an object design down to the lowest level could be

As for sheer speed using code, some years ago I posted to the list a routine
for recursive lookup (self referencing a table) using DAO only - and it ran
at a speed that surprised me.


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