[AccessD] ADO Create TableDef

Charlotte Foust cfoust at infostatsystems.com
Mon Sep 19 15:09:49 CDT 2005

I don't know exactly what it is you want to do, but here is an example
of how to create a table using ADOX.

Public Function CreateTableADO() 
  Dim tbl As ADOX.Table
  Dim cat As ADOX.Catalog

  ' Open the Catalog.
  Set cat = New ADOX.Catalog
  cat.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
  Set tbl = New ADOX.Table
  With tbl
    .Name = "MyTable"
    .Columns.Append "Column1", adInteger
    .Columns.Append "Column2", adInteger
    .Columns.Append "Column3", adVarWChar, 50
  End With
  cat.Tables.Append tbl
  Set tbl = Nothing
  Set cat = Nothing
End Function

Charlotte Foust

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Toves [mailto:itsame2000 at sbcglobal.net] 
Sent: Monday, September 19, 2005 12:09 PM
To: AccessD
Subject: [AccessD] ADO Create TableDef

I've worked with DAO for so long, I'm finally taking the plunge into
ADO.  I have a database that pulls up records I need from an Oracle
database.  No issues there.  What I want to do now is make a dynamic
output table to push all my results to.  I may be going about this the
wrong way.  Does anybody have suggestions?  
Jeremy Toves
Sub PullRecords()
    Dim rs As Recordset
    Dim cn As Connection
    Dim strCn As String, strSQL As String
    Dim intX As Integer, intFieldCnt As Integer
strCn = "ODBC; " _
    & "Provider=MSDASQL.1; " _
    & "Driver=Oracle ODBC Driver; " _
    & "DBQ=tns_name; " _
    & "UID=username; " _
    & "PWD=password;"
strSQL = "SELECT " _
            & "TableName.* " _
        & "FROM " _
            & "TableName " _
        & "WHERE " _
            & "TableName.Fieldname Like " & Chr(39) & "1234%" & Chr(39)
& ";"
Set cn = New Connection
cn.ConnectionString = strCn
Debug.Print cn.ConnectionString
Set rs = cn.Execute(strSQL)

intFieldCnt = rs.Fields.Count
For intX = 0 To intFieldCnt - 1
            Debug.Print rs.Fields(intX).Name & ": " & rs(intX)
    ========>>  I want to create a table based on the columns I pull
here.  I'd like it to be dynamic allowing me to reuse the same process
to output the result of different source tables.  Ideas?  <<========

End Sub
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