Stuart McLachlan
stuart at
Tue Sep 20 17:20:34 CDT 2005
On 20 Sep 2005 at 14:37, Reuben Cummings wrote: > Sale# ParcelNum > As an aside, I'ts a good idea to avoid the "#" sign in fieldnames, VBA thinks that a trailing # is a type declaration character for a double precision number. > I need this in the new table ... > Basically, I need to take multiple records and write them to one row of a > new table - but only three of them max. And there has to be three even if > there are only 1 or 2 details of original data. > Set rs = currentdb.openrecordset ("Select Distinct SaleNum, count(*) as NoOfSales from tblSales Inner Join tblDetails on ...." ) While not rs.eof Select case rs!NoOfSales Case 1 'write record using an SQL Insert ' write two blank records Case 2 'write records using an SQL Insert ' write one blank record Case > 2 'write records using an SQL Insert End Select rs.movenext Wend In the first two cases, use an "Insert into tblNewTable (Select SaleNum, ......." in the third case use "Insert into tblNewTable (Select TOP 3 Salenum, ...." -- Stuart