[AccessD] Report Navigation on Custom Toolbar

Rocky Smolin - Beach Access Software bchacc at san.rr.com
Thu Sep 29 09:35:32 CDT 2005


Thanks for the idea.  Does this mean that the report preview appears in a 
pop-up or that there's a pop-up form with the navigation buttons?

I already have a custom toolbar with a minimum of controls on it - print, 
close, & fit.  I see that you can add controls for record navigation.  They 
look like the icons I want but of course they don't turn the pages of a 
report.  I'd like to put the page navigation in the toolbar.  Is there a way 
to change the action of those icons you can put on a custom toolbar?  Or is 
there a way to create a custom button for a toolbar that would turn the 
pages of a report?

Thanks and regards,

Rocky Smolin
Beach Access Software

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "A.D.Tejpal" <adtp at touchtelindia.net>
To: "Access Developers discussion and problem solving" 
<accessd at databaseadvisors.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 11:00 AM
Subject: Re: [AccessD] Report Navigation on Custom Toolbar

> Rocky,
>    Sample code in the module of a pop-up form, as given below, enables 
> page navigation of report named R_Test. Command button named CmdNext steps 
> forward through the pages while that named CmdPrev does the reverse.
>    You might like to adapt it suitably for your specific situation.
>    Note - For the SendKeys command (Up or Dn arrow) to be effective, it is 
> necessary that report is in FitToWindow mode and report's window is the 
> active one.
> Best wishes,
> A.D.Tejpal
> --------------
> Code module for Pop Up Form
> ================================
> ' Declarations Section
> Private RepHdw As Long, FrmHdw As Long
> Private Declare Function BringWindowToTop Lib "user32" _
>                                    (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Private Sub CmdNext_Click()
>    DoCmd.Echo False
>    Me.Visible = False
>    BringWindowToTop RepHdw
>    DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdFitToWindow
>    SendKeys "{DOWN}", True
>    DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdZoom100
>    Me.Visible = True
>    BringWindowToTop FrmHdw
>    DoCmd.Echo True
> End Sub
> Private Sub CmdPrev_Click()
>    DoCmd.Echo False
>    Me.Visible = False
>    BringWindowToTop RepHdw
>    DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdFitToWindow
>    SendKeys "{UP}", True
>    DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdZoom100
>    Me.Visible = True
>    BringWindowToTop FrmHdw
>    DoCmd.Echo True
> End Sub
> Private Sub Form_Activate()
>    DoCmd.Restore
> End Sub
> Private Sub Form_Load()
>    RepHdw = Reports("R_Test").hwnd
>    FrmHdw = Me.hwnd
> End Sub
> ================================
>  ----- Original Message ----- 
>  From: Rocky Smolin - Beach Access Software
>  To: AccessD at databaseadvisors.com
>  Sent: Monday, September 26, 2005 23:41
>  Subject: [AccessD] Report Navigation on Custom Toolbar
>  Dear List:
>  I have a custom toolbar for reports that get displayed in report preview 
> if the db is an mde.  It has only printer icon, close button, and zoom 
> control.  The paging navigation is of course, at the lower left of the 
> screen in preview mode, but I'm wondering if these nav buttons can be 
> added to the custom toolbar where an inexperienced user might be more 
> likely to see them.
>  MTIA,
>  Rocky Smolin
>  Beach Access Software
>  http://www.e-z-mrp.com
>  858-259-4334
> -- 
> AccessD mailing list
> AccessD at databaseadvisors.com
> http://databaseadvisors.com/mailman/listinfo/accessd
> Website: http://www.databaseadvisors.com

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