Gustav Brock
Gustav at
Sun Apr 2 05:52:41 CDT 2006
Hi John Store (or retrieve) the login name somehow to variable strLoginName. Then use the OnCurrent event: Dim booEdit As Boolean With Me booEdit = Not CBool(StrComp(!UserName.value, strloginName)) .AllowDeletions = booEdit .AllowEdits = booEdit End With /gustav >>> joeget at 02-04-2006 12:19 >>> Anyone In this database, each record entry has an individual field for name. I would like anyone to view another individuals records but I am trying to prevent another individual from editing or deleting a record that does not belong to them. Does someone have an example of a login process and then disabling a record from being deleted or edited by another individual. I tried the security wizard but I could not seem to get it to work. There is a delete and edit buttons on the form for each record displayed Thanks for the help John