martyconnelly at
Mon Apr 24 12:24:27 CDT 2006
I think you may have to read each record and parse, if there are field delimiters you can use the split function. The ADO text driver might work but it would be convoluted because it expects column header info at beginning. You might be able to do with schema.ini playing with FixedFormat option Only used when the Format is FixedLength, this can be set to one of the following values: RaggedEdge or TrueFixedLength. RaggedEdge allows rows to be terminated with a Carriage Return character. TrueFixedLength requires each row to be an exact number of characters, and any Carriage Return characters not at a row boundary are assumed to be embedded in a field. One of these methods will work Public Sub ReadFile(ByVal sFileName As String, ByRef sContents As String) ' Dump XML String to File for debugging Dim strLine As String Dim intLine As Long Dim fhFile As Integer intLine = 0 sContents = "" fhFile = FreeFile ' Debug.Print "Length of string=" & Len(sContents) Open sFileName For Input As #fhFile Do While Not EOF(1) ' Loop until end of file. Input #1, strLine ' Read data intLine = intLine + 1 sContents = sContents & strLine 'Debug.Print sContents ' Print data to Debug window. Loop Close #fhFile ' Close file. Debug.Print "Input File" & sFileName & " lines=" & intLine End Sub or Sub ImportFile(strFileName As String) Dim rs As Recordset Dim strComplete As String Dim strLine As String Dim fNum As Integer 'for file I/O 'open rs on table where you want to add fields Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblYourTableHere", dbOpenDynaset) 'Open data file fNum = FreeFile 'file handle for I/O Open strFileName For Input As #fNum 'Data on 3 lines? 'read a line Line Input #1, strLine strComplete = strLine Line Input #1, strLine strComplete = strComplete & strLine Line Input #1, strLine strComplete = strComplete & strLine 'we expect to enter this loop with the first 3 lines read... a complete record 'just parse the lines into the proper recordset fields Do rs.AddNew rs!CustNo = left(strComplete, 9) rs!CustName = Mid(strComplete, 10, 40) rs!CustCity = right(strComplete, 10) rs.Update 'are we at the end of the file? If EOF(fNum) Then Exit Do End If 'well, we're not at the end of the file so must have more data 'read in next 3 lines of data and loop Line Input #1, strLine strComplete = strLine Line Input #1, strLine strComplete = strComplete & strLine Line Input #1, strLine strComplete = strComplete & strLine Loop ProcExit: Close #fNum ' Close file. 'close and set objects to nothing rs.Close Set rs = Nothing End Sub Reuben Cummings wrote: >I have a LONG text file that I need to extract into an Access table. > >Every record is five lines so the Access import system will not work. The >field descriptions are also part of the data which is no big deal. I can >import the field descriptions and then delete those fields later. > >What I am after is...Does anyone have a neat fixed-length import system that >will handle multiple lines per record? > >If not, how do I jump to the next line after I finish with one? > >Can I read one entire line into a string and then manipulate that? Or >analyze it for certain data in order to handle the entire line differently? > >Thanks. > >Reuben Cummings >GFC, LLC >812.523.1017 > > > > > > -- Marty Connelly Victoria, B.C. Canada