jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Mon Aug 28 09:44:24 CDT 2006
I am using Lembit's mighty fine appoint collision function to determine whether records belong in a result set. The date parameters are typed as dates. In the current application I am getting "invalid data type" passed in (nulls). So I created a base query that narrows down to just a dataset where there are always dates in the fields being passed in. I then built a dataset on top of that feeding the dates into the Appt Collision function. STILL getting errors. It turns out that even though the base query pulls out only the records with dates, it apparently hands ALL the records up to the query built on top of the base query and since some of those records have nulls in the dates, the appointment function complains about nulls passed in to the date fields. So... why is it doing this, and is there a way to force the base query to only pass up the filtered result set such that only valid dates are pulled? 'Comments : THANKS TO LEMBIT SOOBIK 'there is a 'simple' equation which defines a conflict in appointments: 'let's name the starting point of an existing appointment Se, endpoint Ee 'and for the new appointment to be tested the starting point St, endpoint Et 'now you can simply check ' 'If St < Ee AND Et > Se ' 'then you have a conflict. 'you can easily visualize that by following drawing ' '_________Se______Ee______ '1_St__Et '2_St_________Et '3_St__________________Et '4___________St_Et '5___________St________Et '6_____________________St__Et ' 'As you can see, only cases 2, 3, 4, 5 have a conflict. case 1 does not have a conflict 'because it ends before the existing one starts (Et < Se) and 6 does not have a conflict 'since it starts after the existing ends (St > Ee. ' 'Parameters: 'Sets : 'Returns : 'Created by: Colby Consulting 'Created : 6/25/99 11:43:56 AM Function ccApptCollision(IDNew As Long, dtmSTNew As Variant, dtmETNew As Variant, _ IDExist As Long, dtmSTExist As Variant, dtmETExist As Variant) As Boolean On Error GoTo Err_ccApptCollision #If boolELE Then Call gProcStack.EnterProc("ccApptCollision", "Module1") #End If Debug.Print dtmSTNew ' If IsNull(dtmSTNew) Or IsNull(dtmSTExist) Then ' ccApptCollision = False ' Exit Function ' End If 'CHECK IF WE ARE COMPARING A RECORD TO ITSELF If IDNew = IDExist Then ccApptCollision = False Exit Function End If 'CHECK FOR COLLISIONS If (dtmSTNew <= dtmETExist) And (dtmETNew >= dtmSTExist) Then ccApptCollision = True Else ccApptCollision = False End If Exit_ccApptCollision: #If boolELE Then Call gProcStack.ExitProc("ccApptCollision") #End If On Error Resume Next Exit Function Err_ccApptCollision: #If boolELE Then WriteErrorLog err #End If Select Case err Case 0 'insert Errors you wish to ignore here Resume Next Case Else 'All other errors will trap Beep LogError mcstrModuleName, err.Number, err.Description, "Error in function Module1.ccApptCollision" Resume Exit_ccApptCollision End Select Resume 0 'FOR TROUBLESHOOTING End Function John W. Colby Colby Consulting www.ColbyConsulting.com