[AccessD] SQL Syntax Problem

MartyConnelly martyconnelly at shaw.ca
Thu Aug 3 15:40:50 CDT 2006

If you intended a wildcard

Like '" & PID* & "')) should be Like '" & PID & "*'))

Kaup, Chester wrote:

>The following SQL gives a syntax error of compile error expected
>expression when it gets to the & in this part   And ((ConfigMaster.PID)
>Like '" & PID* & "')). I don't see the problem. PID is text.
>strSQL = "SELECT ConfigMaster.PID, Count(ConfigMaster.PID) AS CountOfPID
>INTO [tbl Pattern Occurances] " & _
>             "FROM [tbl Producers in a Scaleup Pattern] " & _
>             "INNER JOIN ConfigMaster ON [tbl Producers in a Scaleup
>Pattern].ChildPID = ConfigMaster.ChildPID " & _
>             "WHERE ((([tbl Producers in a Scaleup Pattern].PID)= '" &
>PatternName & "' And ((ConfigMaster.PID) Like '" & PID* & "')) " & _
>             "GROUP BY ConfigMaster.PID;"
>Chester Kaup
>Engineering Technician
>Kinder Morgan CO2 Company, LLP
>Office (432) 688-3797
>FAX (432) 688-3799
>No trees were killed in the sending of this message. However a large
>number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.

Marty Connelly
Victoria, B.C.

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