[AccessD] Removing a missing reference

Rocky Smolin - Beach Access Software bchacc at san.rr.com
Wed Aug 9 10:07:29 CDT 2006

(Well I didn't require you to drink it all at once.)

I'm not likely to be in your neighborhood soon.  Did anything develop 
for you over here that might bring you our way?



Shamil Salakhetdinov wrote:
> Thank you, Rocky,
> A gallon of vodka would kill me.
> A glass and in several shots with good snacks that would be enough. :)
> In fact I prefer a few of good red wine or Tequila or Caperinja or Cointreau
> or Whiskey or Martini - nothing special...
> --
> Shamil
> -----Original Message-----
> From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
> [mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Rocky Smolin -
> Beach Access Software
> Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 7:40 AM
> To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
> Subject: Re: [AccessD] Removing a missing reference
> I'll be damned.  Who knew?
> When all else fails, read the manual?
> I owe you a beer or maybe two. Or three.  (I owe Shamil a gallon of 
> Vodka as well).  Might be able to pay off the debt as well next week.  
> We're in Vancouver for the week.  And are planning a day trip to 
> Victoria.  Maybe we can say hello.
> Best,
> Rocky
> MartyConnelly wrote:
>> All the docs on the calls are in  C:\Program 
>> Files\Seagull\BarTender\7.74\Automation.chm
>> The VB.Net code is  almost same as VBA except instantiation.
>> This runs and prints
>> Sub testbar()
>> 'Declaring a BarTender application variable
>> Dim btApp As Object
>> 'Declaring a format variable
>> Dim btFormat As Object
>> 'Instantiating the BarTender object
>> Set btApp = CreateObject("BarTender.Application")
>> 'Setting the BarTender Application Visible
>> btApp.Visible = True
>> 'Setting the BarTender format to open
>> 'the .btw template file might have to be previously saved from Bartender
>> Set btFormat = btApp.Formats.Open("c:\temp\Format1.btw", False, "")
>> 'Printing the label format
>> Dim lRet As Long
>> lRet = btFormat.PrintOut(True, True)
>> 'Ending the BarTender process
>> btApp.Quit (BarTender.BtSaveOptions.btDoNotSaveChanges)
>> End Sub
>> Rocky Smolin - Beach Access Software wrote:
>>> Shamil:
>>> I tried using late binding which would work real well but partway into 
>>> the code I got an error.  On the statement:
>>>        Set BtFormat = BtApp.Formats.Open(Me.fldFABLabelFile)
>>> I get an 'argument not optional' error - don't know why.  But the 
>>> reference is to the Bartender.exe, if that makes any difference.  Using 
>>> early binding, this code works well.
>>> To change from early to late binding I changed
>>> Public BtApp As BarTender.Application
>>> Public BtFormat As BarTender.Format
>>> to
>>> Public BtApp As Object 'BarTender.Application
>>> Public BtFormat As Variant 'BarTender.Format
>>> and then in the load event:
>>> Set BtApp = CreateObject("BarTender.Application")
>>> There is no object model for Bartender so I don't know what it is 
>>> expecting for BtFormat. 
>>> But late binding would solve the problem.
>>> Any ideas?
>>> If I want to try your other solution I'll have some questions.  It's a 
>>> bit past my capabilities.
>>> Thanks and regards,
>>> Rocky
>>> Shamil Salakhetdinov wrote:
>>>> Rocky,
>>>> I still think the easiest and the most reliable solution for your case
> is to
>>>> use late binding. Did I miss something in this thread - why it didn't
> work
>>>> for you?
>>>> If you decide to not use late binding and if remove reference doesn't
> work
>>>> for you - then you can use Add Reference (anyway your intention to use
>>>> Remove Reference forces your FE to loose its compiled state as well as
> Add
>>>> Reference does).
>>>> I mean the following:
>>>> - put all your bar code printing code into a separate library/utility
>>>> database, set reference to bar code printing library in this database;
>>>> - in your FE keep the code to check is it possible to create bar code
>>>> printing object or not;
>>>> - if it's possible to create bar code printing object then add reference
> to
>>>> its library (code to add reference MUST BE kept in another library
> database
>>>> - if executed in FE such will force FEs global vars to loose their
> values);
>>>> Etc.
>>>> This above is a flexible solution but its above description isn't a full
>>>> story - in this case if your FE uses global variables then you have to
>>>> create another "proxy" FE to keep start-up code, (dynamic) references,
>>>> commandbars... and use your current FE as a library database - then
>>>> CurrentDb if you use it becomes a problem etc.
>>>> This above technique works very well - it was used in real life apps
> here
>>>> and there back to the years 1998-2000 but program databases and their
> code
>>>> should be refactored to be used within this technique....
>>>> It's very shortly described here - "A method to modularize MS Access
>>>> applications" - http://smsconsulting.spb.ru/shamil_s/downloads.htm
>>>> But applying it for your case looks like using "cannons to shoot at
>>>> nightingales" - why not use simple and effective late binding?
>>>> --
>>>> Shamil
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
>>>> [mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Rocky Smolin
> -
>>>> Beach Access Software
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2006 11:45 PM
>>>> To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
>>>> Subject: Re: [AccessD] Removing a missing reference
>>>> Marty:
>>>> Access.References.Remove refCurr still generates error: -2147319779 -
> Object
>>>> library not registered.  
>>>> Rocky

Rocky Smolin
Beach Access Software

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