[AccessD] [Fwd: Word XP and access]

Don Read donaread at ihug.co.nz
Wed Aug 23 17:18:18 CDT 2006

> Now, New Question:
> Any ideas of how to offset the start of printing on the label sheet to the first 'available' label on the sheet. Say you have a 2 x
> 7 label sheet and the first two rows of labels have been used; the offset is to start on label 5.
> My initial thinking was to create say x 'empty' records (zero length fields) for the offset by way of using a union query: first
> part adding the x 'offset' records and the second part being the sql select query... (and with the x empty records sorted to the top
> of the list).
> Is that a way to go, and if so what's the sql to create x empty records???
> Any suggestions appreciated.
> Regards
> Borge
> Anyone got any pointers, code, links or references they'd care to share?
> Darren
I use this, in Access.

'  Label Saver v97.30 from Peter's Software
'    Allows users to specify a starting label position and a number of 
copies via input boxes
'    when printing labels
'  This module was created by:
'    Peter's Software
'    http://www.peterssoftware.com
'    info at peterssoftware.com
'  ...with some help from Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q299024
'  This module is freeware.


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