Keith Williamson
Kwilliamson at
Tue Dec 19 16:07:22 CST 2006
I have a form, with a very complex (and time consuming query) as the datasource. What I am trying to do is add a couple fields in the form header, to allow the user (me) to input Period, Year, Entity.....then click a button to populate the form for only those records. This way, I don't have to sit through the query calculation for all records. So....not being the expert that you guys are, I added the unbound text boxes, and deleted the original RecordSource property. I then modified that same RecordSource to select "where" the fields equal the values in the text boxes, and added to the click event, for a button: me.RecordSource =SELECT [qryWeeklyTimesheetVarianceSummary].[Year], [qryWeeklyTimesheetVarianceSummary].[Month], [qryWeeklyTimesheetVarianceSummary].[Entity], Sum([qryWeeklyTimesheetVarianceSummary].[SumOfRegPay]) AS [Reg Stand Cost], Sum([qryWeeklyTimesheetVarianceSummary].[SumOfOvtPay]) AS [OT Standard Cost], Sum([qryWeeklyTimesheetVarianceSummary].[SumOfOvt2Pay]) AS [OT2 Standard Cost], Sum([sumofregpay]+[sumofovtpay]+[sumofovt2pay]) AS [Total Standard Cost], Sum([qryWeeklyTimesheetVarianceSummary].[ActReg]) AS [Calc Reg Cost], Sum([qryWeeklyTimesheetVarianceSummary].[ActOvt]) AS [Calc OT Cost], Sum([qryWeeklyTimesheetVarianceSummary].[ActOvt2]) AS [Calc OT2 Cost], Sum([actreg]+[actovt]+[actovt2]) AS [Total Calc Cost], First([qryPayrollPaid].[SumOfAmountPaid]) AS FirstOfSumOfAmountPaid, First([qryPayrollDiffSummary].[SumOfHrs]) AS FirstOfSumOfHrs, First([qryPayrollDiffSummary].[SumOfWageDiff]) AS FirstOfSumOfWageDiff FROM qryPayrollDiffSummary RIGHT JOIN (qryPayrollPaid RIGHT JOIN qryWeeklyTimesheetVarianceSummary ON ([qryPayrollPaid].[Year]=[qryWeeklyTimesheetVarianceSummary].[Year]) AND ([qryPayrollPaid].[Month]=[qryWeeklyTimesheetVarianceSummary].[Month]) AND ([qryPayrollPaid].[Entity]=[qryWeeklyTimesheetVarianceSummary].[Entity]) ) ON ([qryPayrollDiffSummary].[Entity]=[qryWeeklyTimesheetVarianceSummary].[E ntity]) AND ([qryPayrollDiffSummary].[Month]=[qryWeeklyTimesheetVarianceSummary].[Mo nth]) AND ([qryPayrollDiffSummary].[Year]=[qryWeeklyTimesheetVarianceSummary].[Yea r]) WHERE [qryWeeklyTimesheetVarianceSummary].[Entity] = Me.EntityTag And [qryWeeklyTimesheetVarianceSummary].[Month] = Me.MonthTag And [qryWeeklyTimesheetVarianceSummary].[Year] = Me.YearTag GROUP BY [qryWeeklyTimesheetVarianceSummary].[Year], [qryWeeklyTimesheetVarianceSummary].[Month], [qryWeeklyTimesheetVarianceSummary].[Entity]; Unfortunately, when I then open the form, enter info for YearTag, PeriodTag, and EntityTag (the unbound text boxes)...and click the button....I get a "Compile Error Syntax Error." Could someone stear me into the right direction? What am I doing wrong? Thanks, Keith E. Williamson | Assist. Controller| kwilliamson at RTKL Associates Inc. | 901 South Bond Street | Baltimore, Maryland 21231-3305 410-537-6098 direct | 410-276-2136 fax | <>