[AccessD] Question on hours

Gary Kjos garykjos at gmail.com
Tue Dec 5 08:37:40 CST 2006

Doing math stuff on times is often tricky Doris. Even for old timers like me.

Are the Time In and Time Out fields defined as date/dime fields? If
they are I think you would be better off calculating your hours value
using the DateDiff function as Andy recommended. It has the format;
DateDiff(interval, date1, date2[, firstdayofweek[, firstweekofyear]])
according to my Access97 help file.

And the interval code for hours is "h".

so in the query you would have

You may need to reverse the TimeIn and TimeOut fields. I usually get
them in the wrong order the first time I do it.

I'm guessing that what might be happening in your current process is
that when you get over 24 hours you are actually getting a number of
days and a number of hours and you are perhaps only displaying the
result in a format that shows hours and so are not seeing the number
of days. By switching to use the DateDif to calculate a number of
hours at a detail level your sumation will always be in hours with no
date value or format getting in the way of your desired result.

Doing math on date/time type fields is problematic as access always
stores a date with the time even if you don't display it. If you don't
specify a date it will default to the beginning date in Access Time
which is December 30, 1899. So then when you start doing math on the
date/time values, the results have dates in them as well as the times
you are expecting. Access date/time fields are intended to represent a
POINT IN TIME and not a QUANTITY OF TIME. So when you subtract one
from the other you need to get the result expressed in a non-date/time
type of field.

Hope this helps and I didn't totally confuse you. Good luck getting it
to work. Sounds like you are close.


On 12/4/06, DorisH3 at aol.com <DorisH3 at aol.com> wrote:
> I have a table that maintains the Volunteer Number, Time In, Time Out, Date
> Worked.  I have put together a report using a query that shows the  volunteers
> name, volunteer number, date worked, time in, time out.  On the  report I
> show all of the fields that are contained in the query along with a  calculation
> TimeOut - TimeIn which I named Hours.  My report looks like  this
> Name               Vol#     Date              TimeIn        TimeOut
> Hours
> Alice White     1099
>                                 10/1/06         4:00  PM     7:00  PM
>  3
>                                  10/5/06         4:00  PM     7:00  PM
>   3
> 10/7/06         4:00  PM     7:00  PM          3
>                                  10/10/06       4:00  PM     7:00  PM
>  3
> In the group footer I did a calculation as follows =Sum([Hours])  and  in the
> report footer I did the same.
> It appears that anything under 24 hours calculates OK, anything over 24
> hours is incorrect....can anyone help me...I am a novice at this so I apologize
> ahead of time.
> Doris
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Gary Kjos
garykjos at gmail.com

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