[AccessD] sql help please

Joe Hecht jmhecht at earthlink.net
Thu Feb 2 22:34:31 CST 2006

I am having 1 issue with the statement below.


I have confirmed 20_stb_Loc_Wather_Road does indeed have
data in it so we are not looking at null messing me up. ( I


When I run the query no data from the table
20_stb_Loc_Wather_Road is populating the query. I tried
splitting the query into a second query with everything
except the 20_stb_Loc_Wather_Road on one side and the
20_stb_Loc_Wather_Road fields as the second query source and
I still had the same problem.


I will check in morning. Bed time for me now.




SELECT [10_tbl_PersonelMasterData].MyEmpNumb,
[20_tblAIMaster].CLAIM AS ClaimNumber,
[20_tblAIMaster].COMPANY, [20_tblAIMaster].AccidentDATE,
[20_tblAIMaster].DRIV_NUM, [20_tblAIMaster].REP_DATE,
[20_tblAIMaster].STATUS, [50_ltblTerminal].TRMNL_DESC,
[20_tblAIMaster].OPEN_CLAIM, [last_NAME] & ", " &
[First_Name] & " " & [Middle_Name] AS FName,

FROM (50_ltblTerminal RIGHT JOIN (10_tbl_PersonelMasterData
INNER JOIN 10_stblEmpCompInfo ON
[10_tbl_PersonelMasterData].MyEmpNumb =
[10_stblEmpCompInfo].MyEmpNumb) ON
[50_ltblTerminal].TRMNL_CODE =
[10_stblEmpCompInfo].TERMINAL) INNER JOIN
(20_stb_Loc_Wather_Road RIGHT JOIN ((20_tblAIMaster INNER
JOIN 20_stblAccDayInfo ON
[20_tblAIMaster].MyAccidnetRecordNumber =
[20_stblAccDayInfo].MyAccidnetRecordNumber) INNER JOIN
20_stblAIPaidExpences ON
[20_tblAIMaster].MyAccidnetRecordNumber =
[20_stblAIPaidExpences].MyAccidnetRecordNumber) ON
[20_stb_Loc_Wather_Road].MyAccidnetRecordNumber =
[20_tblAIMaster].MyAccidnetRecordNumber) ON
([10_tbl_PersonelMasterData].DRIV_NUM =
[20_tblAIMaster].DRIV_NUM) AND
([10_tbl_PersonelMasterData].DRIV_NUM =





Joe Hecht

jmhecht at earthlink.net


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