[AccessD] Manipulating Excel Cells

Hale, Jim Jim.Hale at FleetPride.com
Wed Feb 1 10:35:55 CST 2006

Is this what you are looking for?

'flip sign on vendor rebates
        For i = 6 To 11
            .Cells(25, i) = -(.Cells(25, i))
        Next i
Or something like this?
Jim Hale

Function loadData_Excel(Dept As Integer, Co As Integer, ModelName As String,
XcelWS As String, PlGroup As String, qryStr As String)
Dim qdfTemp As QueryDef, dbs As Database, rs As Recordset
Dim intRow As Integer, intBmonth As Integer, strWorksheet As String
'load data from recordset into spreadsheet
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set qdfTemp = dbs.QueryDefs(qryStr)
    qdfTemp.Parameters("Deptnum") = Dept
    qdfTemp.Parameters("Co") = Co
    qdfTemp.Parameters("Model") = ModelName
    qdfTemp.Parameters("Worksheet") = XcelWS
    qdfTemp.Parameters("PlGroup") = PlGroup
    Set rs = qdfTemp.OpenRecordset()
     If Not (rs.BOF And rs.EOF) Then
        strWorksheet = rs("fldWorksheet")
        Do While Not rs.EOF
            intBmonth = rs("Bmonth") + rs("fldColumnoffset")
            intRow = rs("fldRowno")
           appexcel.Cells(intRow, intBmonth) = rs("amt")
    End If
    If Not (qdfTemp Is Nothing) Then qdfTemp.Close: Set qdfTemp = Nothing
    If Not (rs Is Nothing) Then rs.Close: Set rs = Nothing
    If Not (dbs Is Nothing) Then dbs.Close: Set dbs = Nothing
End Function

-----Original Message-----
From: John Colby [mailto:jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2006 9:51 AM
To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving'
Subject: [AccessD] Manipulating Excel Cells

I'm baaaack.  ;-)

Here's the deal.  I am working with a spreadsheet that has columns of
systems and rows of documents.  Therefore each cell represents a
system-document.  BTW, this was a "source" for me to build a pair of tables
- tblSystem and tblDocument.  I then added a field to tblDocument called
SpreadsheetRow and a field to tblSystem called SpreadsheetColumn.  

We are tracking the receipt of these documents.  The client now wants to
see, back in his original spreadsheet, the "status" of a given system
document using colors to express the status - white = not assigned, red =
not received, yellow = partial receipt, green = received.

So... I have to go "poke colors" out into the spreadsheet.  I have
discovered the "area" property which has a color attribute.  What I need now
is a translation from the column LETTERS to a column number since for some
bizarre reason the columns have letter names but cells are referenced by
column numbers.  "Brain damaged children" as Bill Cosby would say.

Does anyone have code for manipulating cells by cell(intRowNumbers,

John W. Colby

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