[AccessD] OT: Coding to Outlook

John Colby jwcolby at ColbyConsulting.com
Sat Feb 4 18:44:14 CST 2006

Well, I figured it out.  The junk mail folder isn't under the inbox (on my
machine anyway) and while it appeared to be returning a folder under the
inbox in fact it wasn't valid or something.  Once I changed my reference to
get it from the right place it went without a hitch.

For anyone interested BlueSecurity.com 


Is a company that works to put spammers in their place.  I am a member and
while I cannot say with any certainty that it helps, I am convinced that
they are for real and recommend that anyone interested in helping to fight
spam join.  In order to make reporting my own spam easier, I created a macro
inside of outlook to do the reporting.  It is now "pushbutton".  Pushbutton
is good!

In order to use this program, you need to create a macro in Outlook, create
a toolbar with a button, and click the button.

To create the code macro that will send the email:

1) From inside of outlook click Tools in the main menu
2) Click Macros /  Visual Basic Editor.  You will now be in the visual basic
3) Click Insert / Module
4) Cut and paste the code below into the editor and save it.
4a) Set YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS with Blue Security in the very first line of the
program in "MyUserName at reports.bluesecurity.com"
5) Click Save and close the editor

To create a toolbar and a button to allow you to use the macro to send your
spam to Blue Security: 

6) Right click in the Outlook toolbar area at the top.
7) Click Customize / Toolbars / New.  This will create a new toolbar.
8) Type in the name of your new toolbar - Blue Frog and click OK
9) You will now see a small blank toolbar.  
10) In the "Customize" dialog click the "Commands" tab.
11) Click Macros.  In the right hand pane of the dialog you should now see a
macro named something like "project1.BlueFrogSecurityEmail"
12) Click-Hold-Drag and drop that macro onto your new toolbar
13) Close the "customize" dialog box
14) Drag the new toolbar up to the toolbars area of Outlook and dock it.

To use the macro:

All you need to do is make sure that your spam is in the Junk E-Mail folder
in Outlook.  

If you use Spam Bayes or some other non-native junk mail processor it may
have it's own folder that it places email in.  If that is the case, you will
need to drag and drop the junk mail from that folder into Outlook's "Junk
E-Mail" folder.  My macro only process email in that folder.

If you have mail in the "Junk E-Mail" folder which is NOT JUNK, you need to
get it out before you use the button because I delete all messages in the
"Junk E-Mail" folder when I have finished sending the email.

To send your junk email to Blue Security, set YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS with Blue
Security in the very first line of the program.  You have to be set up and
have an account with Blue Security in order to have such an email address,
ad if you are, you should know what your email address is with them.

To actually send email, just click the button in your new toolbar.  Any
email in the "Junk E-Mail" folder in Outlook will be attached to an email
and sent to Blue Security.  All email in that folder will then be deleted.

CHECK THE FOLDER FIRST to make sure that no letters from mom, your bank, etc
are sitting in the junk mail folder.


Const cstrBlueSecurityEmailAddress As String =
"MyUserName at reports.bluesecurity.com"
Sub BlueFrogSecurityEmail()
    SendBlueSecurityEmail cstrBlueSecurityEmailAddress
End Sub
Function SendBlueSecurityEmail(strRecipient As String, Optional ProfileName)
On Error GoTo Err_SendBlueSecurityEmail
Dim myOlApp As Outlook.Application
Dim myOLItem As Object
Dim fldrJunk As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim msg As Outlook.MailItem

    Set myOlApp = OpenOL(ProfileName)
    Set fldrJunk =
    If (fldrJunk.Items.Count > 0) Then
        Set myOLItem = myOlApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
        With myOLItem
            .To = strRecipient
            For Each msg In fldrJunk.Items
                Debug.Print "SendBlueSecurityEmail - Processing message: " &
                .Attachments.Add msg
            Next msg
        End With
        'Delete the items from the spam folder
        While fldrJunk.Items.Count > 0
            fldrJunk.Items.Remove (1)
    End If
Exit Function
    Select Case Err
    Case 0      '.insert Errors you wish to ignore here
        Resume Next
    Case Else   '.All other errors will trap
        MsgBox Err.Description, , "Error in Function

        Resume Exit_SendBlueSecurityEmail
    End Select
End Function
Private Function OpenOL(Optional ProfileName) As Outlook.Application
On Error GoTo Err_OpenOL
    Dim objOL As Outlook.Application
    On Error Resume Next
    Set objOL = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
    If objOL Is Nothing Then
        Set objOL = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
        objOL.Session.Logon ProfileName, , False, True
    End If
    Set OpenOL = objOL
    Set objOL = Nothing
Exit Function
    Select Case Err
    Case 0      '.insert Errors you wish to ignore here
        Resume Next
    Case Else   '.All other errors will trap
        MsgBox Err.Description, , "Error in Function dclsOutlook.OpenOL"

        Resume Exit_OpenOL
    End Select
End Function

John W. Colby

-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of John Colby
Sent: Saturday, February 04, 2006 11:17 AM
To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving'
Subject: [AccessD] OT: Coding to Outlook

Does anyone out there code in outlook directly?

I use BlueSecurity.com 


To report my spam.  Just a personal "feels good to do this" thing.  It
requires sending an email to BlueSecurity when I get enough in the spam box
to make it worthwhile.  It would be nice to have a button on my Outlook bar
that opens an email to BlueSecurity, attaches the spam emails to the opened
email, sends the email, then deletes the emails in the spam folder.  It only
takes me about 1 minute to do this manually but doing it daily gets old
after awhile.  

Spam filtering is so good now that I probably have less than 1 in 50 things
that hit the spam folder that should not be there.  By keeping the spam
folder cleaned out daily it makes it easier to ensure that any non-spam
items get removed from the spam folder before I report the spam.

I have tried writing the code myself but for some reason the code is telling
me that there are no emails in the spam folder when I can see that there

John W. Colby

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