martyconnelly at
Mon Feb 6 19:55:26 CST 2006
Have a look around this portal for general Internationalizing info http:// There are a lot of little things that will drive you daffy, make sure you understand that VBA and VB6 internal routines sometimes only work with ANSI strings and not full Unicode strings. Also certain things in the IDE will only work with ANSI strings. I just had to rename some filenames into Arabic from fields in an Access Unicode Table I thought I just had to do Name "c:\oldname.txt as "c:\" & RS!ArabicField & ".txt" But this only works on ANSI strings and is restricted to my WinXP Canadian codepage. the VBA "Name" function "helps" you by translating your original Unicode to Ansi Any illegal Ansi characters appear as "?" or something weird. So I can only use the 256 characters for ISO-8859-1 which covers some western european languages rather than the 64K characters for Unicode. Even google missed this sort of thing in some of their first versions of xml output from their desktop search engine. To get it to rename an English file to a Unicode Filename using suitable VBA Unicode functions Sub RenameFileToUnicode(strTheOriginalFile As String, strChineseUnicode As String) Dim filesys As Object Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'add a file extension like jpeg or txt filesys.GetFile(strTheOriginalFile).Name = strChineseUnicode & ".txt" Set filesys = Nothing End Sub Also make sure, if you are doing multi-language translations, it can only be done with US MS Office and it's downloadable MUI Language Packs. It is nearly impossible with Localized version of Office like a French Office version. see Options for Using Office 2003 Editions in Multiple Languages Smart Access article- How to create a multi-language application in Access Set up Office 2000 and your computer to work in another language Michael Kaplan's blog He also has an out of print book that is useful on VB6 Internationalization. Technical Lead from Globalization, Infrastructure, Fonts, and Tools at Microsoft. DorisH3 at wrote: >Yes, I understand that it can be done, how specifically I'm not sure...I >guess I will need to experiment...Doris > > -- Marty Connelly Victoria, B.C. Canada