[AccessD] Case Is = Null ??

jeffrey.demulling at usbank.com jeffrey.demulling at usbank.com
Fri Feb 10 10:40:54 CST 2006

Case IsNull

or Case Is Null
not sure which one.

Jeffrey F. Demulling
Project Manager
U.S. Bank Corporate Trust Services
60 Livingston Avenue
St. Paul, MN  55107-2292
Ph: 651-495-3925
Fax: 651-495-8103
Pager: 888-732-3909
Text Messaging: 8887323909 at my2way.com
email: jeffrey.demulling at usbank.com

             "Dan Waters"                                                  
             <dwaters at usintern                                             
             et.com>                                                    To 
             Sent by:                  "AccessD"                           
             accessd-bounces at d         <accessd at databaseadvisors.com>      
             atabaseadvisors.c                                          cc 
                                       [AccessD] Case Is = Null  ??        
             02/10/2006 10:32                                              
             Please respond to                                             
              discussion and                                               
             problem solving"                                              
             <accessd at database                                             

I need to do a Select Case where one of the value could be null.  I thought
that Case Is = Null is the correct syntax, but is ignored when the value is

What's the correct way to do this?


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