[AccessD] Dubious value

MartyConnelly martyconnelly at shaw.ca
Wed Feb 15 12:43:39 CST 2006

I think what is happening is you are immediately switching into 
Exclusive mode as soon as you do any edit with a module open
To prove it just open your mdb and then immediately Ctl-G and run your 
test routine from the immediate debug window.
You might find it easier to debug by opening an external mdb file rather 
than using the current one
I seem to remember in 2003 by doing a complete file save it may switch 
back to Shared mode.

Also After and before the Open statement

Try Debug.Print con.Mode
For Shared open should be something like = 16 or

= adModeShareDenyNone

John Colby wrote:

>>From the following blog:
>There is the Jet 4.0 feature of record level locking that people love, so I
>will talk about that.
>Now the rule is that once the database is opened (by anybody), that is the
>mode of the datasbase until all user are out of it; this makes sense since
>locking schemes have to apply to all concurrent users to have any meaning.
>So what this means is that the Access setting in the Tools|Options Advanced
>tab (the chekbox "Open databases using record-level locking") is a request,
>not a demand. If the database is already opened in the other mode, your open
>will not fail, and with the current design you are not even warned that your
>preference was not heeded since your request could not be honored.
>But two additional warnings that you my find useful here exist:
>    * 3811 -- Attempt to open the datasbase with the requested record level
>locking failed; page level locking will be used
>    * 3812 -- Attempt to open the datasbase with the requested page level
>locking failed; record level locking will be used
>What this means is that if in your database you run the following code after
>it is open:
>    Set con = New ADODB.Connection
>    con.Provider = "Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0"
>    con.Properties("Data Source") = CurrentDb.Name
>    con.Properties("Jet OLEDB:Database Locking Mode") = 1 ' use 0 for page
>level check
>    con.CursorLocation = adUseServer
>    con.Open
>and the database was not in the mode you asked for tht you will see one of
>those warnings in the NativeError property, right in
>con.Errors(0).NativeError! You will see one of the following values
>(depending on whether you set the locking mode to 0 or 1 in the code) if
>there is something in that collection (on 100% success it will be empty):
>    * 249761507 -- Warning 3811 above (in hex it is 0x0ee30ee3, and 0x0ee3
>is indeed 3811)
>    * 249827044 -- Warning 3812 above (in hex it is 0x0ee40ee4, and 0x0ee4
>is indeed 3812)
>So it is as simple as that. You can obviously combine this with an
>Application.GetOption("Use Row Level Locking") to see if the user running
>the code is the cause of the problem so you can kick them out or whatever.
>This becomes a much cooler way to solve problems such as those documented in
>KB article 237333, which just tells people to change the setting in Access
>and does not help people to fix the problem of the fact that it is not
>always that user's settings which are causing the problem....
>As always happens however... When I try and use that code, none of the above
>errors occur, rather I get a message:
>"the database has been placed in a state that prevents it from being opened
>or locked"
>I thought I would use this code to troubleshoot locking issues since I have
>several clients where locking is an issue.  Can anyone look at the code and
>comment on why I would not get the indicated error?
>I am (for now) just running the code inside of my framework, standalone.
>John W. Colby

Marty Connelly
Victoria, B.C.

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