[AccessD] Sub Report not going into Two Columns

William Hindman wdhindman at bellsouth.net
Mon Feb 27 01:18:16 CST 2006

...best guess is that the width of your design subreport area on the report 
is narrower than the width of the two columns in the subreport when the "can 
grow" is fully expanded at runtime ...try decreasing the font size of the 
columns to verify this is the problem ...or disable the "can grow" ...hth.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Emerson" <newsgrps at dalyn.co.nz>
To: <accessd at databaseadvisors.com>; <ACCESS-L at PEACH.EASE.LSOFT.COM>
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2006 12:07 AM
Subject: [AccessD] Sub Report not going into Two Columns

> Cross Posted Access D, Access L
> Access XP.
> I have a report which is a long column of text boxes with the text
> entered into the control source. Because different printers format
> reports slightly differently I have made the boxes shorter than the
> text warrants and have set the can grow property on for all the text
> boxes.  There are no records associated with this report.
> I have set the Page Setup .. Number of columns to 2 and when I view
> the report the text boxes flow over two columns.  The full report is
> two pages long.
> However, when I use the report as a subreport for another main report
> then the text boxes remain in one column.  I have checked help and it
> suggests changing the column order to across then down.  I have tried
> this but it doesn't make any difference (I guess because there are no 
> records).
> Apart from physically placing the text boxes in two columns, does
> anyone know how I can get them to flow properly?
> Regards
> David Emerson
> Dalyn Software Ltd
> 999 Moonshine Rd, RD 1
> Judgeford, Porirua  6006
> Phone    (04) 235-6782
> Fax      (04) 235-6783
> Mob      (027) 280-9348
> -- 
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